Oka, Caretaker of the Ruins

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The pellets disappeared and Shima was thrown away with a piece of fire. "What a terrible creature, torturing such a poor, innocent youth " said a women with messy hair. "Oh hello child, I am Oka, Caretaker of the ruins ". Follow me. I will guide you through the catacombs". Supwna followed Oka. They went through a stair. "Welcome to your new home, child, I will teach you how the ruins work ". She passed through many buttons and pulled a lever. The door in front of them opened. "You will have to trigger several switches to make progress. I've labeled the ones you need to use". Supana triggered the levers that were labeled. They moved on to the next room. "As a human in the Under Realm, humans with powers may attack you. Here practice with a dummy". Supana was in the battle box again. She tried to make a conversation but the dummy was silent. Oka was happy seeing that Supana tried to make a conversation. They went to another room. "There is another puzzle in this room. I wonder if you can find and solve it ? ". When Supana followed Oka, she appeared in another battle box. A frog looking creature was in front of Supana. Oka came in and glared at Froggit. Supana continued to follow Oka. They were in front of a bridge with spikes. "This is the puzzele, but I'm afraid that it might be a little too hard for you. Here take my hand " said Oka while Supana took her hand. They crossed the bridge . They walked to the next room. " I have a request for you, my child. I would like you to walk to the end of the room by yourself " Oka said. Supana started to walk until she stopped by a pillar. "Do not fear my child. I was behind this pillar the whole time. You have done well ". "I see that you can handle yourself.  I'm just going somewhere. Here, I'll give you a cellphone". Then Oka left the room.

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