Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Valerie's POV

"WAIT. WHAT?" Charlie and Ben both exclaim out as I explain everything to them.

"I know! What do I do?" I basically beg as I lay down on my bed. Charlie and Ben are in complete shock as they sit on my bedroom floor.

"Make no contact with the bastard outside that room. He's trouble Val." Ben warns me.

"Believe me I'm trying my best here. But it's gonna be kinda hard to avoid him." I said.

"She's right. Brad is Brad. He's gonna make sure she doesn't avoid him. He gets what he wants and clearly he...wants you" Charlie say. Like that's suppose to make me feel better.

"Wait, why me?!" I asked.

"You're sort of an easy target for him I guess?" Ben said.

"What's that suppose to mean?" I asked. Getting very confused.

"You're technically the last new student here, you're like fresh meat to him, especially someone who's gorgeous like you, he would notice at anytime. You're also innocent. That's just what he goes for." Charlie explained.

"I'm far from being gorgeous. But thanks. And innocent meaning what?" I asked curiously.

"Innocent being the quiet girl, the good girl. Which is you. it's weird, I've never seen him so intrigued about any girl like that before actually." Ben added.

"Crap. Anyways I've gotta get going. Got to get pick up the little brother. Ben you coming?" Charlie ask.

"Yeah sure." He said as the both get up from my bedroom floor and I stand up from the best to escort them out.

"We really don't know what else to tell you Val. Good luck. We'll see you tomorrow." Charlie said.

"Thanks anyway guys. Bye" I said while closing the front door. Then I immediately went back up stairs into my room.

Trying to get him out of my head I just couldn't. Why am I so intrigued with someone I'm suppose to basically hate. Someone that could potentially hurt me? I just hope now. I don't even know him yet here I am just thinking about him. My thoughts slowly drift into slumber.

I'm suddenly woken up by a few knocks at my door. I know it can't be my dad, his keys are gone and he said he was working very late tonight. Dragging myself out of bed, only in shorts and a tank top, I make my way downstairs. I thought maybe it just could of been the delivery man leaving a package of clothes I ordered last week. But I guessed wrong.

"Well hello there" he said. Standing in my doorway with a cheeky smile/smirk on his face. Brad.

" did you...?" Me being confused. Before I could even finish my question he did it for me.

"Find your flat? You see darling, today while driving home I realize I pass through your block to get to my flat. At the same time I saw you walking into your flat" He just said bluntly smiling down at me and then walking pass me into my own house...sorry I mean flat.

"Okay...but what are you doing here?" I said turn around to face him.

"What? Can't a friend just drop by?" He said fake pouting. I rolled my eye. I was actually getting annoyed? That never really happens.

"We are not friends." I said in confidence.

"Nice look you got going on." He said ignoring my comment, smirking and biting his bottom lip. His eyes traveled my body head to toe, as he moved closer to me.

"You should, uh...." as he approached closer I become more nervous and scared.

"I should what baby? Please do tell." He said still half smiling down at me. The next thing I know his fingers are in my hair whilst his palm was on my cheek. I just stood there in silence not saying anything back to him

"Well darling since you won't tell me guess you'll have to make up to me. So how about Friday? Be at my place let's see, 7? Yeah 7. But in the meantime I've got some business to go handle at the moment." He said to me leaning in more closer but then walled past me to the door.

"Oh and wear something pretty. I prefer dresses." He said winking then walked into his car, finally speeding away.

I was left alone at my door speechless, but my head was full of thoughts. The main one was, what the hell just happened?

Sorry for such a long wait and short chapter! I had to end this chapter at this part!! Plus I've been so busy with school cause I have midterms this whole week :( which means I won't get to update until Thursday night or Friday. Please understand. I'll try my best to maybe upload a chapter before then. But for now just enjoy this small one and think of what might happen next. You never know ;) x

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