Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Valerie's P.O.V

After lunch I couldn't stop thinking about the mysterious dark haired boy. I know this is weird but I felt something when I looked into his eyes, I'm not sure what it was but it was like feeling fire and ice at the same time.

Thankfully I only have class left for the day. Math, which I hate very much but I'm pretty good at it. Then I finally get to go home and take this stupid uniform off. That's something I really hate about living her, having to wear uniforms everyday, other than that in love it.

As I walked into the room I didn't recognize anyone I knew. It's not like my other classes where I at least knew a few people but I didn't know anyone. The classroom was kinda set up like a lab, alone table but in sets of two. I decided to take a seat at a desk in the middle of the rows. As I sat down and looked back up I saw him walking in. He looked me in the eyes again this time I instantly looked down and he walked by me taking a seat in the very back.

"Alright class. Welcome back! I'm Mrs. Smith and will be your maths teacher for you year 12 students." She announces as soon as the bell rings. This is probably the Smith Ben mentioned earlier to Charlie at lunch. She does seem pretty okay for now.

"Now I do things and teach in my own way which I believe help you students grow and learn more. So I will partnering you all up by last names, plus that is also the way you will all be seated that way it makes it easier for me to learn names faster. So if everyone would please move to the back of the room" she said in a quick and calmly manner.

Since my last name is Sanders I already know I'll be sitting in the back. I just hope my partner is someone I'd get along with.

Mrs. Smith was getting to the end of seating us and assigning our partners. For someone I was paying attention, I was distracted by him, Brad. He looked like he wasn't paying attention either. I Finally snapped out of it when Mrs. Smith called my name. I was seated at and empty table, that's when I realized there were only 3 people left to to seated, Brad and two other guys. I couldn't recall Brads last name and suddenly became nervous.

"Mr. Simpson, your partner is Miss Sanders, please take your seat" She finally said. SHIT. I don't know why but I'm suddenly nervous. I was not sacred for some reason although I know I should be.

The last two students took their seats and Mrs. Smith went over some rules as me and Brad sat there awkwardly. She didn't take too long so she said we had the rest of the time to "get to know our partners."

"Ah so we meet again" he finally spoke to me.

"What do you mean again, we never met." I said. I was trying my best to not look at him in the eyes. Those beautiful brown eyes. Fuck Val. Stop.

"Yes we did babe. At lunch" he said getting closer to me. I suddenly felt more nervous but I knew I had to hide it. I also knew exactly what he was talking about.

"No you stared me down in an intimidating way. That's not meeting me." there. That's better.

"Well our eyes met. That's enough right?" he said. I wasn't looking at it eyes, I was looking at his lips, which by the way were very close to me. I knew he was looking at me so I looked up and our eyes met, yet again. A smirk then appeared on his face.

I didn't have anything to really say. I couldn't think of anything to say.

"What's your name Sanders?" he asked quietly.

"Valerie, Val for short and I already know who you are" I said, playing it cool. Although I'm flipping shit on the inside. He moved back a little.

"Do you now? Well I'm not surprised. I've been everyone's topic all day.  How come you're in my year and I've never seen you around here?" he asked, actually being curious.

"Well last year when you mysteriously went away, so I've been told, I moved here." I said with confidence, something I normally don't have.

"Figured. A girl with a face like yours is one to never forget. So, guess you know all about me huh, mysterious bad boy goes away for a years and comes back but no one know why and I'm guessing you wanna find out. Right?" he was right. For some reason he has a pull on me and I want to know more of him.

Before I can answer he does it for me.

"Well that's for me to know and you to...never find out" he says taking my phone from the desk still with that half skeleton his face.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Making sure you never escape from me." He said with a small chuckle.

He took his phone out of his pocket and it immediately vibrated. He then gave me phone back to me. I had checked to see what he did. That being he texted himself from my phone. Great now he has my number. Clever boy he really is.

"Do you really think I'd talk to you outside of this classroom?" I asked with full on confidence.

At that same moment the bell rang. As I soon began to walk out of the room I pulled aside right outside the door. It was Brad, he pulled me to a corner of the hallway while his body hovered over me.

"We'll see about that" he whispered to me then disappeared in broad daylight. There really is something about him that makes me want more. I don't know what I just got myself into and I know it won't be good.

ASDFGHJKL. OMG. I'm so happy you guys are liking it so far!! It makes me really happy!!! Thank you all so much so saying you like it. I was really nervous about that.

Bad Boy Brad (Bradley Will Simpson)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora