Chapter 1

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Chapter 1
I woke up and looked at the clock. Great. I'm late for my first day. Another year for me, means another year of teasing and tormenting, bullying and shoving. Especially from Harry Styles and his friends. God, they're the only reason there are bad people at our school. They make other kids fall under their popular spell, causing them to be just as nasty. I climbed out of bed and scuffed over to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and hair. Once I was satisfied, I got dressed and slipped on my boots. I hopped down the steps and grabbed my bag. "Bye mum!" "You're not eating breakfast?" "Na, I'm not hungry." "Alright..." "Bye daddy!" "Bye sweetie!" I ran out the door just in time to catch the bus. Yeah, I ride the bus even though I'm a senior. Truth is, I hate driving. I have a car, but I don't trust myself. I'm afraid I'll get in a wreck and hurt other people. People laugh at me, but they laugh at me about everything else so why does it matter? "Morning miss Penelope." "Morning Gerald." I said to the bus driver and walked to my usual spot on the back, getting hit by paper balls on my way. I slumped in my seat and put on my headphones on the way to school. "Hey P!!" I looked up for the source of the voice and saw none other than the Styles crew walking towards me. "Still aren't driving?" Justice asked, sitting beside me. "You aren't either." I snapped back. "We just ride to mess with little kids." "Figures." "What's that supposed to mean?" "It means-you know never mind. You're too stupid to understand." He reared back and was about to hit me. I closed my eyes, waiting for the all familiar pain. "Stop. She's right. You're pretty stupid." Harry himself said. Justice scoffed and walked off. Harry glanced at me for a second before walking off again. The bus came to a halt and I got up, knowing I'd be last anyway. I was pushed around as I made it to the front and almost dropped my glasses as I hopped out. I kept my head down and rushed inside. I ran to my home room and found a seat in the back. AP Math. This is where I belong. "Okay. So to start off, let's do some basic math problems since it's been a while." Mrs.Riddle said passing out some worksheets. Once I got mine, I wrote down my name and looked at the first problem. 'Does she think we're first graders?' Anyway, 573.4 • 729.193= 418,118.266. I finished rather quickly and turned it in to her. "Wow. Done already? Let me just grade this real quick." "Yes ma'am." I stood and waited a second for her to grade the paper. "You know calculators aren't allowed Mrs. Bryant." "I know. I didn't use one." She nodded, not believing it for a second. "Where's you work then?" "I did it in my head." "There's no way." "Yeah. She can do that." Alex said across the room. "Prove it." "Give me any problem." "53.4x= 507.3 solve for x." I thought for a moment. "9.5" She got out a calculator and checked it. "How-What? How do you do that?" I shrugged. "I don't know. I'm just good at math I guess." She smiled. "I think I'm going to like you." I smiled and sat back at my desk and got out my new book, House of Hades. As she was grading the other papers as they got turned in, Austin walked over to me. "Hey nerd, what're you doing?" "Reading. What the heck does it look like I'm doing?" "'Heck?' What are you too goodie goodie to say anything else?" I leaned closer to him and whispered. "Austin, nobody gives a fuck about what you have to say, I especially don't, so leave you shithead." I raised up. "Better?" He rolled his eyes and walked away. I put my nose back in my book. "Ladies and Gentlemen! You have 2 pages of homework which should be very easy. Now, because of the assembly, we only have 15 minutes left so hurry and finish." Homework? On the first day? Oh well. I started working on my two sheets and as soon as I finished the last question on the second page, the bell rung. "For those of you who don't know, we meet in the gym!!" I slung my bag over my shoulder and made my way to the small gym. I sat with all of the other seniors and sat towards the back. "Welcome everyone. We hope you have a great first day and year. For some of you, this is your last year here at Lincoln but, I'm sure for those of you who go to college, you'll enjoy it. I know I did. While we're all here, we'd like to announce the two kids with the highest grades on the state test last year. Alex Hal and Penelope Bryant!! Would you two please come up front?!" We both walked to the front and he smiled my way. We'd always been the smartest in the class. I was smarter, but he was still up there. "Give them a round of applause!!" "Go Alex!" "Hal!!" "Alex!!" "Let's go Hal!!" Of course. For some reason, Alex was really popular. Well, I guess if you're a football player, you're naturally popular. "Mrs. Bryant here actually got a PERFECT score!!" That got some cheers from the teachers but that's it. We walked back to our seats and right at the last second, Brandon stuck his foot out, making me trip and fall. Everyone started laughing as Mr.Miller ran over to me. "Are you alright?" "I'm fine." I said through gritted teeth. "Mr.Bigelow, you're coming with me." I got back up and walked out with the rest of our grade. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around. "Hey! I haven't seen you yet today!" "Jimmie, I saw you Sunday." "But still. Are you alright? Oh and good job." "Yeah I'm fine. Thanks." "You're welcome. So, are you excited about Friday?" "Yeah. I'm looking forward to it." "Have you seen-never mind found her. Karen!!" I turned to see my best friend since 5th grade running over. "Hey!!" She pulled me into a hug and then hugged Jimmie. "Are you two-?" "No!! We're just friends and you know that!!" "Hey I'm just saying, a girl and a guy can't be friends for 6 years and never like each other." They both rolled their eyes. "How about you? Are you excited for Friday?" "Of course!!" "Well, Jimathy, we gotta go to Biology, see ya in band." "Alright bye." As we walked off I stopped her in the hallway. "Soo??" "So what?" "Do you like him?" "Yeah, you already know this." "I know, I just like making you admit it." She rolled her eyes and we ran off to biology. As we got settled in, she leaned over and whispered in my ear. "How did he get in here?" I looked around the room and saw exactly who she meant. Harry. I mean, sure he wasn't stupid, but he wasn't smart either. At least I didn't think so.

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