Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

I carried out the last box and looked back at the house. I'm glad to

Be leaving this place. Almost as soon as I got it, Nathan came into my life. "Last one babe?" I nodded and sat it in his car. The guys crowed around and I hugged them all. "Thanks guys." "You're welcome Amy." They all smiled. Liam walked over and kissed me. "Thanks babe." "You're welcome." My phone started ringing so I pulled it out to see it was my mum. "Hey mum." "Hey sweetie. I just called to see if you were coming Thursday." "What-oh. Yeah. I'll be there." "Good. I'll see you then." "Bye." I hung up. "So what are you leaving me for?" He asked sarcastically. "A family get together that I completely forgot about." "Ooh. Can I go?" "Sure." "Can we come?" Niall asked from the side. "Of course Nialler." I turned back to Liam. "I'm going to apologize in advance for my family." "Why?" He asked getting in his car. "They're a little insane." I explained, grabbing his hand. "Like the lads?" I thought for a minute. "Exactly." He laughed lightly. "I'm sure if they're anything like you, I'll love them." I blushed.


As we pulled up, I noticed everyone staring at us. We're not the type of family to see/have very nice cars so when they saw Liam's and the other's, they were shocked. I looked up at Liam. "Hey, why are you shaking?" "I'm nervous." "How come babe?" "What if your parents don't like me??" "They'll love you Liam." He smiled gratefully and grabbed my hand. "Oh, and my sister, uh, watch out." "Why?" "She's crazy. By crazy I mean a crazy directioner. Good luck." He laughed lightly. "I'll keep that in mind." We stepped out of the car and immediately, my best friend (who is practically our family) Taylor came running over. "Hey!!" "Hey! I haven't saw you in forever!" "I know!" I hugged him tight and looked at Liam. "Tay, this is Liam, my boyfriend." He shook his hand. "Nice to meet you." "You too." Liam smiled. The other boys ran over. "AMY!!" My sister. As she ran, she noticed the boys and bypassed me. "Oh my gosh. You're-" "One Direction." They said in unison. I loved when they did that. She nodded, amazed. "And Amy, you know them??" I nodded. "Liam's my boyfriend." "What?!" I laughed, nodding. "Good luck guys." I said, pulling Liam away. I looked back to see Harry flirting with her. Oh great. "So now where are we going?" "To see my parents." He tensed up a little. "It'll be fine." As we passed my cousins, they all stared. I just waved with a smile. I found my parents talking to my aunt and uncle under an oak tree. "Hey mum. Hey dad. Hey Aunt Shelby. Hi Uncle Roy." They all waved and my mum and dad stood up. I felt a tap on my shoulder and saw the boys again. "Oh hey guys." "Ah who are these lads?" My dad asked. I turned to face them. "This is Zayn. You can remember him because he's got the black hair and tattoos. Harry's got the curls and dimples. Niall has an Irish accent and is blonde. Louis-well, Louis' got the highest voice and is the shortest." Louis smiled proudly. "Most importantly, who's the one your clung to?" "This is boyfriend." Liam stuck out his hand. "Wait, honey aren't these the boys that you had a poster of??" My mum asked, scanning them. I nodded. "One Direction." She smiled. "Amy, could I talk to you in private." I nodded and walked with her to the side. "You're not just using that boy are you? He seems like a very ni-" "He is. Don't worry. I'm not using him at all. He was the one who wanted to meet me at the concert. He had a guard come get me from the crowd." "Wait didn't you go with Nathan? What happened to him?" "Um, mum, Nathan's dead." "What? What happened?!" "I'll tell you if you DO NOT freak out." She nodded. I started talking in a whisper. "Nathan abused me. He would leave bruises and would always yell. Then, I started to think he was cheating on me. Whenever we were at the concert, he was bashing them, saying they were gay and all this bunch of shit. I saw him texting somebody so I asked to see his phone for a picture. I looked at the messages and as I suspected, he was texting this girl Natalie. He called me a bitch and said he'd rather be with her." "That's horrible! But you still shouldn't have invaded his privacy." "Mum! For god's sake he was cheating on me!!" "'re right. So how'd he die?" "Well, after me and Liam had been going out for a while, Nathan showed up again. The first time he tried to hurt me, Liam beat him up-" "Awh." "Yeah. Anyway, then he started coming at night whenever I left Liam's house. He would hurt me really bad and leave purple bruises and cuts. However, if I told, he said he'd kill me. The next day I went to go hang out with Louis, Harry, and Liam and they noticed the bruises even though I tried to cover them. Liam made me tell him what was happening because he was worried about me. He said instead of me going to my house, he'd go while I stayed at Louis' to take care of him." "What happened?!" "Once he got there, they fought but Nathan had a gun. Liam somehow got it out of his hands and when he had no other choice, he shot." She covered her mouth. "Liam k-killed him?!" "Yes, but don't brung it up to him. One night he was wide awake, crying, because of what he'd done. It still haunts him and he feels terrible. I finally made him believe that's the only choice he had-which it was. He said he wasn't even thinking of protecting himself though...he said he was thinking of making sure I'd never be hurt by him again." "Awh!! So do you guys sleep in the same bed?" I nodded. "And uh, the other reason I wanted to talk to you is, Taylor is upset." "Why?" "Liam. He likes you Amy. A lot." "Well, Liam said he loves me, and I love him." I walked back over and grabbed his hand. "Hey babe." "Hey. Have any of them weirded you out yet?" "Just your dad. I'm afraid he'll kill me." "Not with my mum around...she knows." "About-oh." I nodded. His eyes showed worry. "Don't worry babe. She admires you for what you did." "For killing someone?!" "No, for protecting me." He sighed. "You alright?" "Honestly, no not really." I leaned up and kissed him softly. "It'll be okay." He pulled me into his arms. "I love you Ames." "I love you too. Everything's gonna be okay...I promise."

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