Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I watched as they danced on stage. Wow. They're perfect. Amazing. I just can't believe I'm finally here. I watched as Liam danced around with the boys. He looked over a me and smiled. Did he just-? Oh my gosh. He did!! Liam Payne just smiled at me!!! I smiled and looked at my boyfriend. "Nathan, did you see that?" "Yeah, I saw that man whore smile at you." "Shut up. He's not a man whore." "Whatever." He said scoffing. "Are you TRYING to ruin my night? Why didn't you just stay home?" "It'd be better than being here." I rolled my eyes. He sighed. "I'm sorry babe." He said, putting his arms around me. "I was just jealous." I huffed and watched the boys. Liam looked to me. As Harry sung his solo, he mouthed 'You okay?' I pointed to me. "Me?" He nodded. I looked over at Nathan who was texting his 'friend' Natalie. I shook my head, meeting Liam's eyes. He gave a frown. Wait. I just had a conversation with Liam Wow. "Who's ready for some twitter questions?!" Louis screamed into the mic. We all cheered loudly. I looked for Liam but didn't find him anywhere. I looked to Nathan. "Babe..." "Yeah?" He asked, looking from his phone. "Can I use your phone?" "For what?" "A picture." "Uh, yeah. I-I guess." He handed me his phone. While he wasn't looking I pulled up his texts to Natalie. I viewed his last message. "She's being a bitch. She won't shut up and is making googily eyes at some idiot on stage. I wish I was with you instead." I held back the tears and handed him his phone. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to see Preston. "The boys would like to see you backstage." "Me? Really?" He nodded. "Hey, you're not going anywhere without me." "I think I am. We're through you jerk." "Amy wait!" I followed Preston backstage. I couldn't see them, but I was backstage at least. And I get to meet them. I then remembered Natalie and Nathan. I started crying silently. I put my head in my hands. 'Was I not good enough for him? I don't think I did anything wrong...or did I? I'm probaly just not good enough...I'm fat and ugly and stupid...' I started crying harder when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see the boys behind me. I gasped as they stared at me. Liam pulled me into a hug. "You okay?" I shook my head. "What's wrong?" Harry asked from beside me. I wiped my tears away and calmed down. "My stupid b-boyfriend...well ex-boyfriend. H-he cheated on me." "Awh, it'll be okay love." "Yeah, he's a stupid twat." Louis said in his thick accent. "Hey love, you wanna hang out with us?" "It's fine. I wouldn't wanna intrude." "You won't. We wanna be your friends." "Why?" "We don't like seeing a pretty girl down." "I don't know...I'd love to but it's just-" "Please?" I blushed and finally nodded. "Are you a big fan?" "Definitely." They all smiled. "Would you wanna hang out tomorrow?" "Um, sure. I mean-I guess...where?" "My place. One of us will pick you up. Is that alright?" I nodded. "I'll pick her up." Liam volunteered. I smiled. He's always been my favorite. "Alright. You two can exchange numbers and-I'm sorry I didn't catch your name love." Harry said. "Amy." He smiled. "You and Liam can exchange numbers. Then, Amy you can text Liam your address." "Alright." Liam smiled at me. "Hey Amy, can I talk to you in private?" I nodded shakily. I walked over to Zayn. He led me away from the others. "Don't tell anybody I told you this but the reason we picked you is because Liam wanted to meet you." I smiled shyly blushing. "Not that you're bad or anything it's just, we don't usually do this." I nodded and looked to the ground. He put an arm around my shoulder and took me back to the boys. "Can I get a picture?" "No!" Louis yelled sarcastically. The others laughed. "Of course you can. Paul?" Paul ran over to us. "Yeah?" "Will you take a picture for us?" "Yeah of course." I handed him my phone and he snapped a picture. "Thank you guys. Thanks Paul." "Not a problem." I hugged Harry. "See you tomorrow." "A-Alright." I then hugged the other three. I made my way over to Liam. "Bye Liam. I'll see you tomorrow I guess." "Y-yeah. Definitely. Oh um, my number." "Oh yeah." I got out my phone. "Ready." "916-0182. Please don't give this to anyone." "I won't." "Alright. Text me." "I will." The other guys smirked at us. "Bye!!" I yelled running off. "Bye Amy!!" Did that just happen?! I can't wait until tomorrow!

-Liam's POV-

Wow. She's perfect. "Come on lover boy!" "Oh shut up. She's fit and you know it." "Yeah I know." "She's sweet too." Louis laughed. "Yeah, yeah. Come on." I can't wait until tomorrow!!

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