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So today is the day I'm back to school since I was in hospital. To be honest with you I'm pretty excited to see the same faces again. But at the same time im scared of what others may say about me. Today i woke up earlier than usual. My mum was going to drop me off cause I couldn't drive with crotches. So I make my way downstairs, my nose is filled with the smell of English breakfast. I rush downstairs like Usain bolt and make my way to the counter. I grab a plate and place a bit of everything in it. By everything I mean , sausages , bacon, scrambled eggs, vegetable roll and so on. Then I top it up with some Heinz beans. I sit down and scroll down on my phone nothing important so I turn it back off again and finish eating.

We are in the car and it going to be kinda embarrassing being driven by your mother to school but I don't care...
I'm already in school. So my mum pulls right at the school front steps which are a thousand of steps...
I get off the car and almost trip. But I get my balance back again...
" Have a nice day sweet heart. Be home by 4 I have something special to show you"
I fake a smile " I will be"
She blows a kiss at me and drives away. I'm trying to make my way up the stairs but I'm struggling a lot. I have my bag with me which weights a ton.
"Can I help you" I hear a voice from behind me it sounded familiar. I turn my back and it's Grayson. A huge smile formed on my face out of a sudden. He grabs my bag and places it on his back. I couldn't help but just smile. I felt safe around him...
Macy comes rushing down the hallways as soon as she spotted me from the distance. She engages me into the warmest hug ever. I kinda missed her hug they are the best.
" I missed you so much" she says
" I missed you too"
We head back to the class which I have with Grayson and Evie. I go sit on my seat with the help of Grayson then he moves to his. Finally for the first time he's early to a class. Evie walks into the room looking down/sad and makes her way to the seat next to Grayson. Both of them don't say a word to eachother. This is not typical of Evie. She looks back at me but I look straight to another direction.
" Hey! Caddy!"
I turn myself around to face her
" I'm sorry about everything since the start of the year and I hope you accept my apologies "
I didn't know if she was just messing with me then I look at Grayson who is signalling me to accept her apologies .
"It's ok. I'm all good at the end of the day"
I reply to her with a fake smile
She came towards me and gave me a quick hug before returning back to her seat. All this time in class I kept thinking about what she said. Did she really mean what she was saying?
The bell rings everybody is packing their bags. Grayson comes up and grabs my bag.
" I need to tell you something"
I nod my head
We are walking through the hallways when we passed our 2nd period class . I looked at him but he just continued walking. I followed him until we were at the other side of the school. The pitch. I helps me out . He sits in the grass where there's no cameras or any windows looking that way.
" So what is it that u really want to talk about?" I break the ice
" Erm... Ok ..."
I just look at him
" Ok. I broke up with Evie!"
He says out loud. My eyes are wide open at this moment.
" why did u do that? I thought you liked her!"
" Caddy no.... I ... like ... y-..."
"Never mind you know"
"No tell me."
I said this holding his hands
" I like you!"
We stay in silence for a couple second. It wasn't an awkward silence. It was silence that both of us enjoyed.
That's why Evie was upset all day in school.


It's the end of the day and I'm heading to my mums car.
"Caddy!?" Evie screamed out
She places a hand on my shoulder and tells me " I hope your relationship with Grayson works out. He really does like you. I'm sorry for being a bitch to you and treating you like crap. I hope we can be friends some day..."
My heart melted hearing those words. I nod my head and reply " Yes yes of course."
She waves at me while heading back inside the school. I get into the car...
" How was your day?" My mum asks
" It was actually the best day so far in this school" I look out the window with a big smile.
I head inside the house.
" mum what was the surprise!?"
" oh darling you have to wait 10 more minutes"
I was starting to get very anxious and nervous. I go and grab ice cream because why not. I like to eat when I'm stressed ok.
The door bell rings. I freeze. A woman around her 30's walks in. I grab the door for her and giver her a smile. She and my mum are in the living room talking when my mum calls me in. I head inside to see the most gorgeous baby on its rocking bed. The woman tells me she works with the adoption team and that my mum was going to adopt this little boy... I was shook. But happy.
She tells me his parents died in a car crash which reminds me about my father but I try to hold tears inside. I get a glance look at him. He's a couple shades lighter than me, has dark brown hair and big hazel eyes. The woman tells me he's only 1.
This couldn't be the best day ever.
THANK YOU I say to the lady while she leaves the house. I guess now I have a brother...

IT WAS ALL A DREAM- Grayson DolanTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon