Chapter 18

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The door opened and revealed a young compass-eyed boy, with red hair. "Konnichiwa" the said as the door opened. "Enma, what brings you here? I thou- "Reborn said but was cut off when Enma disapeared and reapeared in between Lambo and lemitsu.

"Fast" they all thought. "Excuse me, but what do you think you are doing to him?" Emma questioned lemitsu as he slapped lemitsu's hand away from Lambo. Then wiped his hand that touched baka-mitsu off like he is a germ or something.

Lambo rubbed his eyes thinking that he was dreaming.He opened his eyes seeing, Enma was still here, in front of him. "Enma-nii!'' Lamb yelled and hugged by the waist. Enma smiled at Lambo and nodded to Reborn as a greeting.

Reborn tilted his fedora in reply. "Wait what are you doing here? Emma-nii?" Lambo said/asked. "Enma? Could you be Kozato Enma?!" Iemitsu asked in surprise. "Yes?" Enma replied innocently. Iemitsu's eyes opened widely.

"It is an honor to meet you, Simon Decimo." He said in the most polite tone ever. 'That's Enma? The one Cielo was going to stay with? Simon Decimo? What's that?' Takayoshi and Souta thought. "Ahem" Reborn cleared his throat.

Enma's attention turned to Reborn. Lambo was pouting due to the fact that he was ignored by Enma. "Oh! Sorry about that Lambo. By the way I'm here to pick you up." Enma said while laughing it off.

Lambo's face brightened up and he hugged Enma even tighter. "Are we going to see Cielo-nii?" He asked with a big smile on his face. Iemitsu who was listening to their conversation was curious about something.

"Hey kid, wait Lambo right? By any chance are you related to Cielo?" Iemitsu asked Lambo. Enma replied instead "That is a question you have no right to know the answer to, Sawada Iemitsu." Enma said in a stern tone.

"Come on Lambo, let's go." Enma said holding Lambo's hand out of the house. 'How dare he, being so rude to papa' Takayoshi thought and gave Enma a glare on the way out. Enma glanced over at Takayoshi and ignored him. Reborn noticing the glare Takayoshi tried to give Enma and kicked him in the head.

"You are 1000 years to early to try to intimidate someone like him." Reborn said standing on top of Takayoshi. "Who was he Reborn?" Souta asked. "He is Kozato Enma, the Decimo of the Simon Famiglia. Allied with the Vongola." Reborn replied.

Souta froze 'I didn't think this "Enma" Cielo knew would be such a big deal' he thought while Takayoshi scoffed. "So what if he is Decimo of si.. what ever family once I become Decimo he will be under me!" Takayoshi said with confidence.

"At your level right now? Enma can beat you without even touching you. Don't think you are the strongest when you can't back it up Baka-yoshi!" Reborn said giving him a stomp on his face.

"Ahaha, don't worry Reborn if it's my little-yoshi I'm sure he can do it!" Iemitsu said laughing. 'Like father like son.' Reborn thought as he walked away dragging Takayoshi and Souta to training with a glint in his eyes.

Iemitsu just walked off laughing and waving good luck to the boys. Enma and Lambo left heading back to the Simon house/mansion.

-Enma's POV-
I brought Lambo home with me as requested of Tsuna. We walked into the dining room to see a sleeping tuna on the couch. He must be tired I thought to my self as Lambo dashed over to the tuna. "Tsuna-nii?" Lambo said shaking him.

Tsuna woke up and I thought ahhh the tuna is alive on the couch. I chuckled at my stupid joke and walked over to them.

-Normal POV-
Enma chuckled as he walked over to the two, which is now sitting on the couch. "Thanks for picking Lambo up for me." Cielo said to Enma as Enma sat down. "Don't worry about it." He replied.

"By the way, I just wanted to ask is the two candidates of Vongola the two brothers living in that house?" Enma questioned. Cielo nodded in reply. "Hmm... I think it was the older one, but I don't quiet like his attitude." Enma commented.

"Neither do I, and think about me being related to him" Cielo said sighing at the thought of the stupid Takayoshi. The two started talking about random things, catching up with the times they missed as they don't work near each other.

One who is a pro assassin and the other a mafia boss. The two clearly don't see each other often. Only when there is a meeting between alliances. The two met each other on accident, when Cielo was still in training.

Cielo who happened to pass by a fight between mafias and saved a boy. After that the bond between the two have grown strong. Like a real family. Something Takayoshi clearly lack.

And that's all for now! I check the last time I updated a chapter and I felt suuuuuper bad for not updating in forever. I am sorry -bows-

Unexpected (Editing/Rewriting)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon