Does he lust me, or my blood? Part 2

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Chapter two

His beautiful gaze held mine it felt like he was looking straight into me, like he could see all the bad things I had done and the things that I had never told anyone, and yet as much as I wanted to I just couldn't look away. His eyes are just to beautiful, so deep, so so deep... My thoughts were broken when the bell rang. I hadn't even noticed the gorgeous guy take his seat! Oh well, he was leaving now.

"Hey Savannah, do you want me to show you to your next class?" Amber asked "What have you got?"

"Errm... yeah that would be nice! I have..." I looked at my time table "awww crap! I have gym!!" I hate gym I have no co-ordination at all!

Amber laughed "I have gym too and believe me I am waaaay worse!"

We laughed and joked all the way to the gym hall and as we got changed! I didn't have a kit but Amber said that she had her old kit in her locker and she'd wear them and I could use her new. She is so nice! Her shorts are short considering she is small and I am tall, to tall! The top is maybe a little figure hugging, and shows by stomach but it's all girls so its okay.

"Okay, Savannah we need to hurry up we are kinda late!" Amber shouted to me through the door. I pulled the top down again and walked out. "Sheesh, girl, you look hot!"

I was kinda shocked by this, " What are you? A lesbian?" I asked laughing as we walked through to the hall.

"No!" Amber laughed. When we entered the hall every eye in the place was on us. Oh crap! There are boys as in the male sex, not just girls, but boys. Boys? Since when are there boys in girls gym classes. I looked down at my way to short top, and shorts and felt really slutey but I wouldn't let these people see me feel like that, so I just walked in with my head held high.

I walked straight up to the teacher "hi Miss I'm Savannah Jenkins." I smiled at her.

She cleared her throat "yes, I've been told about you, we have just started hockey. Since you have started late everyone has a partner.." Then the gorgeous guy entered, looking stunning.

"Sorry I got lost." His voice was like velvet, wrapping its self around me making me feel warm.

"Oh, well your just in time Leander I was looking for a partner for..." She looked me expectantly

I sighed, my name isn't that forgettable I told her about two minutes ago sheesh. "Its, Savannah!"

"...and you don't have a partner, do you?" My heart leapt at the prospect of being his gym partner! It being just him and me for two periods a week, that would so good. "Okay so you two will be partners, I want you both to grab a stick and pass to each other." I stood there for a second dumb struck. "Go!" The teacher yelled. Someone got up of the wrong side of the bed this morning.

I walked over to where Leander was standing with two hockey sticks in his hand, as I approach him he hand me a stick, "Do you know how to play?" He asked with that velvet voice, looking at me with his beautiful eyes.

"Errmm... no I'm not very good at sports!" I told him truthfully, giving him a dazzling smile.

He gave me a brief smile and then said patiently, "do you know how to hold the stick?" I shook my head. "Okay I'll show you." He took his hand and placed it at the bottom and placed the other on the top. "Can you do that?" He sounded like he was trying to be helpful but I felt like a kid. I placed one of my hands at the top and the other at the bottom just like he had and looked up at him expectantly. "Yeah that's it." He put a hockey ball in front of the stick "now try and hit the ball." So I lifted up the stick and aimed for the ball, but I missed the ball completely and lost my balance and fell straight on my butt. Leander started laughing at me, oh my god, he has a lovely sensual laugh!

"Shut up, that's mean." I pouted moodily.

He held out his hand, "want a hand?" He asked with an amused look across his pale face. I nodded and grabbed his hand and he pulled me up as if I were as light as a feather. He reached down to get my stick and gave it back to me. "Here, I'll show you?" He said it as a question as if asking my permission.

"Okay." I answer him. He came and stood behind me and placed his muscular hands on mine, his warm body pressed against mine, I instantly stiffened. He lowered his head so that it was millimetres away from my ear.

"Relax" he whispered seductively in my ear my body visibly relaxed, "now follow my lead, bring the stick up then down to hit the ball, okay?"

I nodded unable to speak, we brought the stick up and then smashed it down so it hit the ball, which went flying across the hall. Yes! That had to be good! "Yes!" I yelled "I actually hit the ball! Score!" I started jumping up and down, until I realised how stupid I must have looked! Silly Savannah!

"Right everyone! Time to go and get changed!" The teacher yelled. Wow! Has it really been a period already? That was fast.

I started to walk back to the changing room when I heard someone shout my name, I turned round to see Leander behind me looking me up and down "looking tasty in those shorts, good enough to eat!" He licked his luscious lips the walked elegantly away.


Thank you for reading :p

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2010 ⏰

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