Fallen in (Gaster Gang x AU! Readers)

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Color of the soul you have* = If you don't know you can use this as a help if you want.------------------------->
IT's not really one-shot there are all connected. But one-shots for each of these lovely four Gaster.


There was once of a young lady, she walked home from her daily routines. She never knew what was coming to her. Once she passed by a house it started breaking and fell on her. She died that day but was reborn in another world.

Today was rather weird. You were walking home, wearing (2nd favorite color) heels and a dress to match it, today was your special day. You just came out of work with an unsettling feeling, you were born in the city, yeah and you do work in a certain job that you landed on, it wasn't much but at least you can work and get some money to live and so close to a raise. Lately, you've been expecting something but never really knowing what the hell might be going on, you even asked one of your friends if they ever felt this and they said yes but also said don't mind it as much. You couldn't help it, it felt so nerve racking just it felt so important but you might as well listen to your friend's advice. You were almost near home all you have to do is to past the tall city buildings. Once you passed a certain building, you heard someone screaming and some yelling until...BOOM! Everything was white and looking around...you felt very numb. A young teenager screaming, running over to you and tried to wake you up. You just wanted to sleep...you can barely hear her voice all you heard was 'very......damaged', you couldn't help but stare at her hair. It was a full on black....it was sort of calming. Slowly closing your eyes and falling asleep. You heard blurring of sirens and people screaming, crying and people yelling into their phones.

You were pulled away from reality, you once again opened your eyes to see yourself floating around in a dark room until you felt a pain inside your body, you saw a heart color in (color of your soul).* You felt it pulling pulled on then you were thrown by force and started falling, you looked down to see a hole. You started screaming and yelling for help. You were falling and you didn't know where felt like Alice in Wonderland. You started seeing more of you only faded out versions of you. You went on falling seeing more freaky stuff, you kept screaming for help but no one came.

You felt like you were falling for hours, you stop screaming about an hour ago. This really was boring you to death but you did have time to think to yourself. The sound that you heard before passing out was the sound of a bomb, but oddly it didn't break any buildings but how did it make you pass out. Must have been an enemy or some dumb people carrying a bomb around....or maybe the police...Nah the first one sounds more reasonable. As you were falling, you didn't remember what the teen looked like....I think they had a brownish bob-like hair and closed eyes, you really cannot remember. After what seems like hours you finally fell to the ground and faceplanted. Nice way to make an entrance, you flipped your body over and sighed out. It's odd you didn't feel pain once you hit the floor but your thoughts were broken by something....

'AIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' A scream was heard until next, you made out an oof sound, you looked up to see a girl that looks almost like you but her (h/c) was kinda covering both her eyes, she wore some sort of outfit. She wore a plain dress and some cat leggings and some flats. Once she saw you, she freaked out and said sorry over and over. She has gotten off of you and she gave you a shy smile. 'It's okay do you know where we-' You were cut off when yelling of curses came and then another oof from you. The shy girl looked at you in pain feeling it even though she wasn't hurt, the other lady's was on top of you and your face was in her bust how embarrassing, she sat up away from you. You looked up to see another girl like you, she seem to have a rich and snobbish aura around her. She wore something kind of Gothic but it was in a dark red and she wore high heels, she was dressed up as the rich and her hair in a neat bun. She wears rings, earrings and a necklace made of gold and diamonds. She seems to have a lot of makeup on also and once she laid eyes on you, she gave a grossed out look and then made a glare so burning it could kill you, so she started screaming and getting off of you. 'HELP I'M KIDNAPPED BY A RANDOM WOMEN AND MAYBE RAPED!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' She screamed getting off of you, well what a nice company she is. The snobbish lady looked at the shy girl and started yelling and screaming more until another screaming cut off everyone by surprise but this time in joy.

Another girl who looked like you fell on top of you and massive bags of random stuff you don't know about. She was laying on your stomach, once she has gotten off of you. She said 'OH MY GOSH I AM SO SORRY! FORGIVE ME!' She wore her hair in a ponytail and she wore a tank top and some shorts and some boots. 'Hehehe....oh no my anime! MY ART! AHHHHH!' She screamed running towards the bag and picked the bags up to check if they're okay, in truth they were it was full of anime, manga and some merch of anime. She seems to wear glasses and she seems to be an artist. You were about to get up until another fall on top of you, you were seriously getting tired of being a pillow of these people you were about to yell until you meet eyes with one girl, she blushed and tried to make gestures and everything and did some Japanese way to be forgiven which was kneeling on the floor and bend your head forward along with your arms. You didn't understand until it finally clicked to you, she was mute. You smiled and forgave her, she gotten off of you and she seem to wore a plain sleeveless green dress that ended around her knee area and she wore leggings that have the cross on it and she wore some green sneakers, her hair was braided. All the look likes of you stared at you with most confusion.

'Um...hello my name is (Name)...what are your names?' You asked.

'Ours is too.' The three said in unison, while the girl with the dark green dress put up a thumbs up.

'So...um we gotta think of nicknames...' You said to them and the four looked at you nodding. Until you, five heard some shouting but you couldn't understand, four didn't understand but the green dress girl did. She looked scared and she tried to gesture you four to run but sadly two of the girls didn't understand but it was too late. Running there were 4 monsters about the same height but different looks but almost look similar. The four monster guys saw the five human females, they stared at the five females dumbfounded. The snobbish girl noticed them and started screaming in fear, alerting the two others. The snobbish girl, shy girl and the anime fangirl started screaming and running around in fear of the monsters. You stared at them, they're maybe 8 ft tall, god they were so tall it even made you scared. The mute girl tried to calm them down until she made an inaudible sigh, she walked up and looked up to the guy wearing what seem to be a buttoned up black fancy trench coat and he wore a white turtle neck. She made gestures to him until he nodded, understanding what she gestured. The mute girl walked over to you and made some gestures, somehow you couldn't really understand until she sighed. One that she gestured to came over to you and her, and he started talking. At first, it was hard to understand and you gave him a confused look until he stopped and found out that you didn't understand. He started coughing for a moment until he opened his mouth again. 'Ah sorry, now where was I. Oh yes this fine lady the one in the green, said for you to calm down and we don't mind any harm.' He said with such a smooth and serious tone. You nodded and then realized, you sighed 'Well...I dunno about those three over there screaming and yelling. Please do be careful with them also the one in the fancy red dress will give an attitude. So do please be careful.' You said to the tall male, from the looks of him he seems stressed now. Before you noticed the three others were getting the girls, one in the purple gotten the one in the ponytail holding all of her bags of anime around. The one with blue and orange picked up the panic shy girl and he tried calming her down, the red one seems to catch her but she put up a fight and almost hit the poor male until he was about to hurt her until the mute girl calms the male down.

The three males looked to you then the male in the fancy black trench coat, you were staring at his hands where the palm is it have large round holes where the palm is, You've been staring long and hard at it, it was so different. 'It's alright...I am sure we have gotten it handled.' He said to you, you chuckled at his fail of a pun. 'Alright.  I am sure we have gotten it handled.' He said to you, you chuckled at his fail of a pun. 'Alright I'm pretty sure we can catch up on what to do but where are we?' You said to him and he responded, 'Well the void in simple terms but we do have a home for you all to stay in cause none of us will ever get out.' He said and the brat version of you starts crying. 'OH GOD NOOOOOO!'

Yep, this is gonna be a longggggg....time with them.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2017 ⏰

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Living With Gasters (One-shots) [Gaster Gang x AU!Readers]Where stories live. Discover now