(2) Crash Car Burn (boyxboy)

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Picture on the right is of Jamie


Crash Car Burn

Chapter 2

Jamie’s POV

I could hear the whispers as Liam led me to homeroom and somehow I knew they were all talking about me. It’s been a year since I lost my sight, you’d think that they’d be over it by now but they’re not. Every time something happens like just now in the hallway everybody starts gossiping all over again.

“We’re here,” Liam said from beside me and I could hear him pushing open the door.

“Thanks,” I replied and let him lead me into the classroom and took my seat.

My parents had organized that I have all my classes with Liam which is great, he’s a bit overprotective at times but I have no idea what I would do without him. He’s been really great and supportive. The teachers have been very understanding too, letting me take my tests verbally so that I could continue in a normal school since I really didn’t want to drop out.

The first few classes dragged by slowly and from what I could tell uneventfully. Although I guess I won’t really know.

“Have you heard anything from Emma?” Liam asked as he led me to a table in the cafeteria.

“No, nothing new,” I replied and I could hear Liam sighing. He really has it bad for my little sister. I don’t mind the fact that he likes her but she doesn’t seem to feel the same way, or at least not anymore. Before the accident it looked like they were growing closer but since then everything’s just gone down the drains. Emma couldn’t handle what happened to me and the fact that her best friend, Liam's younger sister Katherine died. My parents tried everything but eventually decided on sending her away to go live with my aunt in another state. They thought that it would do her good to get away but I’m not sure about it. She doesn’t bother phoning us and when my parents do manage to get a hold of her she seems distant and confused. I’m not sure if sending her away was the best idea but it wasn’t up to me so I had to accept it.

Liam was quiet for a while, probably thinking about Emma and how badly things are screwed up. I’ve tried to be strong so that he doesn’t have to worry about me but I don’t think its helping. He’s trying to handle everything and act like he isn’t affected by it but I can tell it’s eating away at him and the fact that he won’t even talk to Aiden is really bothering me. It’s his brother and they used to be close but now he hates him. I don’t think it’s fair. I don’t blame Aiden for what happened but everybody else seems to, even he seems to be blaming himself.

I’ve wanted to talk to him over this last year but it’s almost as if he is avoiding coming anywhere near me and when he does Liam basically tells him to get lost and then drags me away.

I’m not sure how to make things right, I’m not really sure if it is even possible.

I took my lunch out of my bag and pushed it in between us on the table. My mom always makes enough for me and Liam.

“Thanks,” he said from beside me and I could hear him taking one of the sandwiches. I took the other and started eating. Liam was unusually quiet and distant today, making me worry.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, wondering why he was acting so weird.

“The band made it into the group stages of the rock contest,” he answered, his words confusing me a bit.

“Why aren’t you happy about that, I thought it’s what you wanted?’ I asked, trying to understand.

“I guess it is but it just doesn’t feel right without you,” he answered, his voice shaking slightly.

Liam and I formed the band about three years ago. He plays the guitar and I used to be the lead singer but when the accident happened I quit. I didn’t want him to give up on the band though so I insisted that he carried on. They got a new vocalist and according to me he is much better than I ever was, that’s why they finally made it to the next stage of the rock contest. It’s not that huge of a contest but it’s a starting point and it should be fun.

“I’ll be there cheering you on, it’ll be fine,” I encouraged.

Yeah, I know,” he agreed, sounding a bit more cheerful now.

For the rest of lunch Liam was back to his old self and chatted happily.  We had math and English after lunch and then we had PE for last period. Of course I have to sit it out and that is one of the things that bother me most. I love athletics, I used to run short distance and long distance but that is obviously not possible anymore.

I sat on the bleachers while the other kids complained about how they hate having to do laps and I could feel myself getting upset. They don’t know how lucky they are, being able to see and run freely, something I’d never be able to do again.

When school was finally over Liam and I headed back over to my car and he got into the driver’s seat. That’s another thing I’ll never be able to do but I shook the though from my head, hating feeling sorry for myself. I am alive and I have to be grateful for that fact.

“What the hell is he doing?” Liam asked from beside me as we drove.

“Who?” I questioned, not having a clue what he was talking about.

“Aiden, it looks like he’s walking home,” he answered, his voice filling with anger at the mention of his brother’s name.

“Maybe his car broke, we should stop and give him a ride,” I said, trying once again to make things right between them and of course there was a bit of selfishness in there too, I really wanted to talk to him.

“No way, he can rot in hell for all I care,” Liam said viciously as he continued driving.

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