Chapter 2. The Aftermath.

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(This story starts off based in National City, but ends up in Seattle only because I'm going to work in the fact that needed the best surgeons to help save Alex)

Alexandra Danvers sits on the bar stool nursing her second beer of the night, dressed in her DEO clothes and glancing at the clock.
'She's Late Again' she thinks shaking her head with a small not surprised smile. 'Ugh why do I love her?' She thinks jokingly.
The her is the one and only Maggie Sawyer. The FBI Detective that has stolen her heart. The first person she ever loved again after she moved to National City and changed her hair and her name. The girl who she's been with for a year today. She smiles at just the mere thought of her.
She jumps surprised when warm familiar hands cover her eyes and a soft and soothing voice appears in her ear.
"Hey Danvers." The voice says bringing a smile to Alex's face.
"You're late again Detective Sawyer." Alex says teasingly as she turns to look at the girl behind her, smirking when she sees she's still in her detective clothes from that day.
"Ugh, I know babe. I'm sorry. The chief made me work overtime for the 3rd time this week." Maggie says tucking a piece of Alex's now short hair behind her ear.
Alex smiles at the gesture and looks up at Maggie through her eyelashes.
"I guess I can forgive you for being late on our one year anniversary." Alex says with a wide, breathtaking smile.
Maggie's heart flutters as she sits on the stool next to Alex and looks around the bar, the very bar where they've played endless amounts of pool and had they're first date.
"One whole year" Maggie states with a smile. "The best year of my life" she says leaning in to kiss Alex softly.
They spend the next 2 hours in that bar. Playing pool, drinking, sharing stories of the their past year together, until finally Maggie makes her way over to the juke box and plays their song "Coming Home" by Sigma. She pulls Alex into her arms and they slowly dance right there in the middle of the bar floor.
"I love you Alexandra Chyler Danvers" Maggie says softly and lovingly in her ear.
Alex smiles widely. "I love you more Margaret Floriana Sawyer" she says back with a wide smile.
Maggie smirks and kisses Alex 's forehead. "Ya know it's really hot when you use my full name..." Maggie says with a smirk as she pulls Alex's body flush against her own. Alex smirks back at her. "Yes i do detective, but maybe u should take me home and show me?" She says seductively in Maggie's ear. Maggie shutter and smirks. "My pleasure agent Danvers" she says as she hastily pulls Alex out of the bar and all the way to their apartment.
Alex awakes later then usual the next morning and glances to her left side hoping to see Maggie. She frowns when she doesn't see the other girl but quickly smiles when she sees a note.
'Dear Miss Danvers.
I was going to wake you, but you just looked so damn peaceful as you slept and I just couldn't wake you up.
But when u do decide to move your cute ass out of bed, there is coffee in the pot and breakfast in the microwave.
I know, I know I'm amazing. ;))
But I'll see u at later baby. Be safe today! And I'll try my best to be safe too.
Love you,
Alex smiles at the note and lays down on the bed with a smile.
'How did I get so lucky twice?' She thinks biting her lip. She pushes the thoughts bubbling up in her head aside and gets out of bed to get ready for the day ahead.
Walking into the DEO a little over an hour later, Alex immediately smiles when she sees her favorite person in the world. Supergirl. Or Kara Danvers as she's known by to national city.
Her little sister for the past 5 years when she joined the DEO and was given the Danvers family as her cover story. Hence why she's Alexandra Danvers now.
When she read the file on her new life for the first time 5 years ago she panicked. I mean she gained a new mom, Eliza. A new sister, Kara. And a new dad, Jeremiah whose She's never even met. But once she saw them she knew she'd love them forever. Especially her and Kara. Because from the first time they saw each other they were inseparable. I mean her and Kara are so alike.
They both had secrets that the rest of the world didn't know. Kara was Supergirl. Alex has a past life. Their secrets helped them bond and grow as strong as they are now.
She approaches Kara with a smile and hug, like always. "Hey Kar" she says.
"Hey Sis! Guess what?!" Kara says in her giddy little dorky way.
"What???" Alex asks smiling amusedly.
"Director Henshaw is letting me work a case all by myself!" She says giddily jumping up and down, her famous red cape flying behind her.
Alex raises her eye brows in shock.
"What? Oh. Um that's great Kara! Is he sure though?" She asks confused and concerned.
"Yes silly! He said so himself. At least I think..." Kara says rubbing her chin in thought.
Alex laughs. "Well let's go ask him and make sure okay?" She says wrapping an arm around her sister's waist as they descend further into the DEO headquarters.
Later that day after defeating and imprisoning 3 aliens, with Supergirl's help of course and having pizza and beer at Kara's apartment for their annual "sister night" Alex stands on the sideway trying to hail a cab to go back home to her girlfriend.
She wraps her coat tighter around herself to block off the chill of the night and sighs in relief as a cab finally pulls up to the curb to let her in.
She gets into the cab and pulls out her phone to send a text to Maggie to let her know she was on her way. As she types out the messages she's cut off by bright headlights coming through her window.
And that's the last thing she remembers, the last thing she saw.
Bright lights. That's all she sees when she blinks her eyes open. Bright lights and she hears a beeping sound.
A steady beeping sound. Her heartbeat. The smell of clean, bleached hallways and rooms. A familiar smell.
She knows exactly where she is.
A hospital. Something happened and she's in the hospital. She closes her eyes and relaxes her body.
Then she hears it. The familiar voice she hasn't heard in years.
"Good morning sunshine." The sweet and melodic voice of Miranda Bailey rings in her ears and she cries as a panic attack sweeps through her.
She's here. How did she get here?
At the place she never wanted to come back too. At the place where she hurt everyone the most. At the place she worked so hard to forget. At the place she wanted to leave behind forever.
Seattle Grace Hospital.

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