Alecto crooked a finger. "Park! Come! Now!"

Seohyun swallowed and made her legs move. Her entire body was trembling from head to toe. She could barely breathe. The world was spinning, and she barely focused on anything: she saw things and forgot them a second later.

Alecto dug her fingers into Seohyun's arms to the point she cried out, though her voice was done. She was going to have bruises there for weeks. With a fierce glare, Alecto dragged Seohyun behind her, as though she was nothing more than garbage to be tossed out. Seohyun almost tripped several times with the harsh manner Alecto yanked at her arm and the impossibly quick pace she set. Right then, Alecto was like a human hurricane.

"Tell Amycus to come to my office!" Alecto screamed at Professor Vector, the Arithmancy teacher, who was passing.

Seohyun stumbled after Alecto, her nerves making her nearly trip that much more. When they finally reached Alecto's office, she was flung unceremoniously into a chair. Alecto pointed her wand at Seohyun and ropes bound Seohyun's hands, feet, and waist to the chair.

Alecto placed her face toward Seohyun, her narrow eyes gleaming in spite. "I see your fear in your eyes," she crooned. "You are right to fear for your life. The Dark Lord does not forgive traitors."

Seohyun made herself meet Alecto right back in the eyes. She could feel her heartbeat in her smallest toe.

Yet she screwed up her courage for one final act of defiance, and spat in Alecto's face.

Alecto recoiled. She glared daggers at Seohyun, and slapped her across the face.

Seohyun gasped. Her cheek stung something fierce and reflex tears sprouted in her eyes.

Seohyun kept her eyes down for the remainder of her time alone with Alecto. The Muggle Studies teacher didn't remain still: she was pacing the entire time, unable to keep still. At times, low growls came from the back of her throat, as though she was an angered dog. 

Seohyun only looked up once again when the door thundered open and Amycus stormed in like a hurricane.

"So!" he bellowed. "We had a traitor amongst us!"

He gave Seohyun a look of such loathing that, if looks could kill, she'd have been dead ten times over. She was trembling, but looked him in the eye.

"You've been aiding the enemy," Amyscus hissed. "Betraying all of us. For that, you must be punished."

"Severely," Alecto whispered. "Only death in acceptable."

Seohyun closed her eyes.

So be it.

She bowed her head and breathed in deeply, readying herself.

I accept my fate.

Just as she resigned herself to her demise, the door burst open once again and a familiar voice cried, "Stupefy!"

Seohyun gasped. Her head snapped up to see Draco charge through the door and shoot a Stunner directly at Amycus, who toppled over like a ragdoll.

Alecto wheeling around, an indignant squeal of "You!" on her lips, but before she could say anything else, Draco shot another well-placed Stunner. It hit her directly on the chest and she too fell to the ground.

Draco breathed heavily, standing over the bodies of the Carrows, before he ran over to a still-flabbergasted Seohyun.

"Draco," she spluttered, as he untied the ropes that bound her. "What –"

The rest of her words were cut off as Draco pulled her into his arms and held her so tightly, he might as well have killed her via suffocation instead by the hands of the Carrows.

"Did you think I was going to let you fall into their hands?" he breathed. He buried his head in her hair. "Possibly end up dead?"

Seohyun laughed, tears in her eyes. She collapsed into Draco's weight and let him support her. "No. That's why I didn't tell you until now – oh, Draco, they know it was you!" Now her tears fell for another reason: fear for him, and her loved ones. "They'll come after you – and my parents – I did this to protect everyone and you -"

"Not if we put a memory charm on them."

Seohyun's eyes flew open. She glanced up at Draco, who smiled, kissed her on the forehead, and turned to the Carrows.

In almost no time he placed a Memory Charm on them. He grinned at her, an arm around her waist. "There. We can confuse them for a few days. Tell them you're in the infirmary. That will give us time to hide your parents – and hide you."

"Oh, Draco!"

Seohyun flung her arms around Draco's neck. "I love you, you genius," she breathed.
"Thank you so much."

"I love you too. More than words can say." He took her hand and began to pull her from the room. "Now come on, we have hide you before they come to."

Seohyun frowned. "Where? I could stay in Ravenclaw Tower -"

"They could ask someone to open to door for them, someone like McGonagall or Flitwick, or even a student. No. We're going to the Room of Requirement."

Seohyun could have hit herself for not thinking of that earlier. "Good idea!"

They tore through the corridors to the seventh floor, to the blank bit of wall Draco had shown her only last year. Seohyun frowned when they reached it. For the love of Merlin, she couldn't understand how a room could form out of solid rock.

As though he sensed her questions, Draco said, "Okay, pace in front of it, all the while thinking I need somewhere to hide where the Carrows cannot get me."

"Got it."

Seohyun did as Draco instructed and, to her utter surprise, the doorway came to life. She pushed the said doors open, ready to see the piles of old and forgotten treasures once more.

Instead, she was met with a room that was all but bare, apart from a hammock, and a door that led to a bathroom. A small book collection was on a shelf, as was a collection of paints and pencils.

It was perfect. Seohyun couldn't stop smiling.

"Wow," she breathed. She turned in a circle, taking it all in. "This room is incredible. I – I can't even begin to try and comprehend the magic that led to the creation of such a place."

There was the barest trace of a fond smile on Draco's lips. "I'll visit you every day. Can't have you feeling lonely."

"Can you ask Padma to bring me my stuff?"

"Of course."

Draco went to leave, but Seohyun grabbed his hand, stopping him. "Hey. We're away from the world. Stay awhile." She turned to the Room. "Can we have a fireplace and a couch, please?"

The room complied: within seconds, there was a roaring fireplace, and a squashy red couch placed directly in front of it. Seohyun beamed. Now they finally had a chance to be truly secluded from everyone else: no masks, so acts. Just the two of them, exactly as they were.

Draco nodded and followed her on to the new sofa, which was so soft Seohyun thought they were sitting on a marshmallow.

"I like this room much more than I did last year," Draco whispered into her ear.

Seohyun laughed and snuggled into his side.

They sat like that for some time, drinking in each other's company, and enjoying the brief illusion of peace.


i apologise for the angst of last few chapters.... hopefully the fluff makes up for it! 

[1] Gasoline ✗ Draco MalfoyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ