Eddsgems Headcanon

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Stone: Peridot
He was in the war with Rose but Rose died there and he loved her but has self esteem issues for not being strong like the others and also now knows he should've been as strong as Eduardo, from homeworld, and it isn't helping much.

Stone: Amethyst
He was made on earth and joined the Crystal Gems a little later. He tries to hide his insecurities but it slipped out once as they were at the Kindergarten. Yet, he always tries to cheer up Edd.

Stone: Saphire
He is a fusion of Smirnoff and Susan(yes, laugh all you want)and therefore the strongest. Pretty much everyone relies on him but he struggles himself sometimes, but he never lets that bring him down.

Stone: Garnet
He is a gem sent from Homseworld to check on the cluster. But he has it hard because he has the CG on his tail. He struggles himself, having never fused before and he never summoned his weapon before, thinking it wasn't even possible. But after quite some time he has grown close to Tom.


Paul&Patryk: they are both one of the last green pearls from homeworld, assigned to their Garnet, Tord. But after the betrayel from the rest of their ship they and Tord stayed on earth, destroying the cluster.

Eddsworld headcanons (AU-ish?)Where stories live. Discover now