"Nevertheless how you interpreted the sacrifices I made for our family, I made a promise which I intend to keep. So you will be coming home with me." The sudden calm made Sasha more uneasy then the yelling ever could've. But still she stubbornly focused on her original response.

"I am not going anywhere." She said coldly.

Sashas fathers eyes flashed in a terrifyingly familiar way, Sasha had no time to react after recognition as her fathers hand flew to strike her. She clenched her eyes in an effort to shield herself.

But his hand never met her face, instead she heard the clash of it being caught by somebody else. Sasha opened her eyes to see Connie gripping her dads wrist with almost no expression visible. His calm demeanour was only betrayed by his hand, his grip on the mans wrist was so tight his knuckles had paled.

"She has clearly said several times she doesn't want to go, so you can either leave or we'll call the police and make you leave." Although his words were reasonable, his tone and gaze were icy.

They both stared each other down until finally her father grunted and wrenched his wrist out of Connies grip. The man stalked off towards the door, stopping just outside of it before looking directly into Sashas eyes.

"Your mother would be disappointed by the kind of person you've become."

And with those words left hanging in the room he left Sashas life altogether.

The very second that her fathers footsteps could no longer be heard, Krista whirled Sasha around, gripping her shoulders.

"Are you alright!?" And despite the words her father had spoken most clearly in an attempt to leave Sasha feeling guilty, she could say without a doubt that for the first time, she was.

"Thank god." Krista threw Sasha into a hug. "Im so glad you aren't gonna leave us, and that that stupid retched man is gone and-"

Sasha tuned Kristas relieved ramblings out, instead locking eyes with Connie. She smiled in an attempt to convey her gratitude, and she could swear that he understood completely by the way he nodded back.


The four of them had gone to their usual bar, drinking in celebration for both Sashas newfound freedom and Ymir and Kristas briefly forgotten engagement.

They were all making their way back to the apartment, including Connie who was crashing on their couch overnight.

Sasha had only had one drink having learned from her last experience, (she didnt know what information she might release to Connie this time around) which was approximately a sixth of how much Ymir and Krista had drunk individually.

The two drunk newly engaged women were skipping ahead and singing a very slurred cover of Bohemian Rhapsody, leaving Connie and Sasha walking next to each other in silence.

Sasha was about to suggest they run and catch up when Connie pulled her into the playground located right next to where they were walking. Sasha was confused but obliged and followed him for a few metres before he stopped and turned to her.

"Sasha." His calm eyes dug into hers with seriousness that he rarely revealed. "You like me, dont you?"

There was no hint of accusation in his tone, it was practically just a statement, but Sashas heart rose in dread all the same. This is it. This is how it ends, She thought.

She nodded anyways, no point going back now. "You noticed...?" She tried to act as though it hadn't been the most obvious thing in the universe.

"I might be a huge idiot, but not when it involves my best friend." He said smiling softly before adding. "My best friend who I also definitely super like."

That statement shocked a blush onto Sashas cheeks. "You super like me?" She squeaked.

"I super like you." He replied softly.

Sasha still looked incredulous, which Connie must've noticed. He contemplated for a moment before asking;

"Are you drunk right now?"

"No...?" Sasha said confusedly, she balanced on one foot to prove she wasnt.

"Then can I kiss you?" Connie asked, taking a step towards her.

Sashas face transformed even more red, "w-what?"

"Can I ?"

She looked into his eyes for probably 15 seconds before nodding carefully.

Connie didn't hesitate for a moment, he took a step and they were so close they could feel each others breath. (Technically only Sasha could cuz shes like waaaaay taller) Connie reached up to her cheek and guided her face closer to his before pressing his lips againt hers.

The kiss was brief, challenging due to the height difference, and tasted strongly of beer. Still, it was the most electric moment Sasha had ever experienced. But as quickly as it had begun, it ended, leaving Sasha breathless.

Connie flashed his usual goofy smile, took Sashas hand and they made their way back to the road they travelled every day, their hands still entangled and Sashas face still crimson.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2017 ⏰

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