Chapter 5

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Sasha managed to use every excuse in the book to skip walking to school with Connie and being on time for class. Prof. Smith wasn't pleased with her 'tardiness' as he put it. As if she actually knew what that meant.

After apologizing profusely, Sasha went to take her seat. That's when she almost had a panic attack right in the middle of the classroom. There were two empty seats, one next to Connie, the other next to Armin.

If I sit next to Connie, I might do something stupid. But if Im next to Armin, Connie will know something's wrong. Or maybe he'll think I hate him. But I want to sit next to Connie. And I barely even know Armin and-

"Are you waiting for something, Ms Braus?" Prof. Smith asked impatiently. "Or are you planning to just sit there on the floor?"

Sasha quickly slid into the seat next to Connie.

"Where were you?" Whispered Connie after Prof. Smith continued with his English lesson.

"I felt like bacon and I forgot to turn on the element to cook it. Took me ten minutes to figure out it was just sitting on a cold frying pan." Sasha whispered back. That wasn't even an excuse, she actually did do that. Just not that particular morning.

Connie grinned, "sounds like something you'd do."

Sasha returned the grin, trying to ignore the blood rushing to her face.

They stopped talking after that, focusing on the lesson. Well, not really, everyone in that room was focused on Prof. Smiths eyebrows which appeared to have minds of their own. They were like huge caterpillars considering how much they moved.

The English lesson was two hours long, and probably had homework involved in it. Sasha wasn't paying attention so she wouldn't know. She wasn't even watching Proffesor Smiths eyebrows. All she was doing was glancing at Connie and hoping he didn't know she was glancing at him.

She was so intent on him, she didn't even notice the change in environment and lesson. Eventually she'd gone the whole loop and was in science class.

"Alright, I want your thesis paper of what will happen when the squirrels are directly fed potassium by Friday."

They all shuffled out of the classroom, Sasha followed, her mind consumed by incredibly stressful thoughts of Connie.

"Sasha, can I talk to you for a sec?"

Sasha whipped around to see Prof. Zoë, her thick glasses perched on the top of her hair like some kind of really weirdly shaped bird. Prof. Zoë patted an office chair that was normally used to balance all of her reference books, gesturing for Sasha to sit.

"So how are you and that Springer kid doing?"

Sasha's face went red for the millionth time, "W-what?"

"Not good I take it?"

"Huh?" Sasha said dumbly.

Prof. Zoë smiled knowingly, "you figured out you liked him pretty recently, didn't you?"

Sasha pushed past her blush and nodded.

"You know Sasha, I never had much of an interest in men." Prof. Zoe began, "science was the only one for me. Because of that, I became the insane guy who works at the community college. Most men stayed away from me, partly because of the insane bit, partly because they assumed I was a man myself. Im not by the way." Prof. Zoe added. She pointed at her chest. "In case you didn't figure it out from these."

"Anyways," she refocused, "I did find a guy, we're engaged now in case you didn't hear." Pride etched across her face. "He was the first guy in 3 years that was able to immediately tell I was a woman."

"What Im trying to say," Prof. Zoë concluded, "is that I think in a way we're sort of similar in a way. If you're anything like me, you don't like people very often. Which means you need to take that opportunity as soon as it comes. You'll only be together for 3 more years, and anything can happen in between. So you should go for it."

Sasha blinked, she was pretty sure that was the first time Prof. Zoë had said anything serious ever.

"That's all I had to say," Prof. Zoë stood up, "you should probably get going now."

"Thank you Pro-"

"Please, just Hange. Im payed minimum wage at a community college, that professor stuff is just nonsense."

Sasha smiled, "okay, thanks Hange."

Sasha walked back to her apartment, Hange had kind of pumped her up. But at the same time, Connie finding out was right up there with the zombie apocalypse.

You'll only be together for 3 more years.

Hange did have a pretty good point, but the reason Sasha didn't want to tell Connie how she felt was because she didn't want to screw up their friendship within that time. She practically knew how it would play out. If, by a very slim chance, Connie didn't reject her on the spot. They would go out for about a week and it would end with Connie hating her.

Sasha sighed, it was decided, she wouldn't say how she felt. Her and Connie would keep being best friends and everything would be perfect.

Sasha reached her door and tried the handle. Locked. Krista and Ymir were probably eating out or something. She pulled out her keys and unlocked the door, then pulled it open. Throwing her keys on the table, she flicked on the light. Sasha turned to finally sit on the couch, but something was obstructing her path. Someone, to be more specific.


Anything can happen in between.

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