Chapter 13 || Almost Caught

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Johnathan's POV


The movie wasn't half bad. Although I didn't agree with a lot of the crap they were saying about vampire's. Vampire afraid of the light and come out during the dark? And their weakness, was it garlic or onions? The only thing they did get right was killing them with a stake through the heart or burning them. 

I squinted. Amazing what humans came up with about vampires. Our thirst for blood usually comes up if we are angry. But I've never had human blood. I live off animal blood.

"We should totally come back and watch that movie about Werewolves!" Carol said excitedly. "And those vampire guys, were hot!"

Natalie rolled her eyes as did Lukas. I found myself staring at her again. Something about her...

"So, Johnny boy," Lukas nudged me. "Where do you even live?"

I hesitated. I wasn't supposed to talk about that... for safety reasons of course. "Um.."

"Who cares," Natalie spoke up. "He doesn't go around asking where we live."

"Just trying to get to know him a bit more... You know, since he'll seem to be hanging around us more," Lukas added in a sarcastic way.

I could tell he didn't like me either. The only one who seemed to like me was Carol. Then again she didn't seem to have a crush on anyone ( Lukas liking Natalie), and she seemed to have a free spirit. Unlike Natalie who would probably kill me if she could.

"So who believes in vampires anyway?" Carol asked as she kinda skipped. "I mean it's kinda hard to believe in that stuff, yeah?"

"Who cares," Natalie said while rolling her eyes. "It was a good movie, vampires and whatnots aren't real. So let's move on."

"Sour dough," Carol said. "Want me to take you home, Miss Debby Downer?"

Natalie gave her a look but nodded. "Would be nice."

Carol stopped skipping and looked from me to Natalie. "You know, Nats doesn't live all that far from the theater... Johnathan, why don't you walk her home?"

"What!?" Natalie and Lukas said at the same time.

"Oh, come on!" Carol said excitedly. "I can take Lukas home, he lives next door to me anyway!"

"I'm fine with walking you home, Natalie," I said looking at an annoyed girl.

She grumbled but said nothing else as she walked into the direction of her house. I already knew what she was mumbling. How she wished Carol would keep her mouth shut. I chuckled and waved at a smiling Carol and a ticked off Lukas. I mean I know he doesn't like me... can he be more obvious?

I quickly caught up to Natalie, who was walking pretty fast. 

"In a hurry, are we?" I asked with a smirk.

"To get away from you? You bet," she retorted. "Rules on the journey, don't talk to me, don't stand close to me, and don't talk to me."

"You already said not to talk to you," I said just to annoy her.

She shot me a look and continued walking. I sighed and shoved my hands in my pockets. It was still a bit warm out. Smells from all around hit me at once. I got to thinking of asking her why she hates me so much...

"Natalie, I know you told me not to talk... but I'm just wondering what I did to make you dislike me so," I spoke up.

She stopped walking and stood there staring straight ahead with a blank look. "I... Who cares.."

"I do.." I said moving in front of her. "There must be a reason you hate me. Either that or you do have feelings for me and you're just being hateful to cover up those feelings."

She gave me a glare. "Okay, listen, you! I don't have to tell you anything, okay! I just feel like you're playing a game here and I don't have time for games. I mean what kind of new kid walks into a classroom and smirks at someone they don't know? And the day at the pool... You acted strange. And hearing a conversation you weren't even close enough for a normal person to pick up on! And don't get me started on somehow appearing out of nowhere giving me a heart attach."

I blinked a few times. She had a valid point on me acting strange... But she can't know...

"So whatever game you're playing here, Catcher, leave me and my friends out of it!" she finished as she bumped into me to continue walking.

My body grew stiff. Something was up... something was happening again. I felt it in my veins, in my body, everywhere. I slowly turned around to face her. I could feel something off. But what?

She gazed at me as she turned around. "What's up with you?"

I felt it again... that feeling that was there when I stood up to Mark. The urge and thirst for blood. Was it her blood I wanted? No... someone else's. Someone near here... but where. I could feel my fangs forming, my eyes changing.

"Johnathan? Are you okay?" fear rung through Natalie's voice as she drew closer to me.

I backed away. She can't see this! She can't know! Get back! Run!

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