June 12th, 1253

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I open my eyes to have the delight of my cow, Rebecca, right in front of my face, saliva dripping from her mouth onto my face.

"Yes, I'm up. Good morning to you too, Rebecca," I said while pushing her out of my face and sitting up in my straw mattress with a wooden frame that I called my bed.

I blinked a few times and looked out of my 'window' that was to the left of me. Today looked like it was going to be a good day to work in the fields. The weather was warm and the sun was shining bright through the thin, white cloth that I used as a window curtain.

Rebecca went back to laying on my bedroom floor, on the straw that I had laid out for her. Meanwhile, I stood up from my bed and slid on knee length leather boots to get ready for the day ahead of me. In my kitchen, my three sheep and goat lay, resting up for the day ahead of them.

"Well, good morning to you guys too," I said while pushing through my sheep to get to the basket of bread that was on top of the table I had built last week.

All I got in response from my sheep was a simple,"baaa."

"Don't act like you don't love me," I said to them while taking a bite out of a small piece of bread that I called my breakfast. "Now," I said swallowing my small piece of bread. "Let's get this day started!"

I walked towards the door, all of my animals following behind me, and I felt my hair to make sure that it was secure for the day ahead of me. My honeycombed coloured hair was always pulled back into a fishtail braid that reached the middle of my back. I took at least one inch of hair from each side of my head and twisted it until it met each other in the back of my head. I used a hair pin that my aunt had given me as a child to secure the two pieces of hair that were twisted behind my head. After I knew that my hair was secured, I grabbed my head scarf that was in the pouch attached to my daily outfit, wrapped it around my head, and pulled back my wooden door to face the world.

Once I walked outside I was immediately blinded with the yellow and orange ball of light that was high in the sky. I closed my eyes tightly shut as I adjusted to the light I was going to be dealing with all day. I didn't really mind being a peasant farmer, I actually found it pretty relaxing. Since I really didn't have any family living with me, I was able to focus on my work and get ahead of all of the other peasant farmers. It felt great being able to concentrate on my work and get everything done the way that I want. And, since I get all of my work done earlier than the other farmers, so I was able to start my own personal garden.

The other peasants think that's weird that my Lord let's me have my own garden, but my Lord is alright with just about anything. Well, except in the categories of marriage and leaving the land. But, having my own garden wasn't a problem for him. I have a bunch of herbs planted in the front of my little cruck. Some of the herbs include Lungswort, Feverfew, Majoram, Lemon Balm, and Wormwood. All of these herbs are usually only found in the houses of nobles, and people higher up than me, but one day I went into the woods and these herbs magically appeared to me. So, I placed them inside of the cloth basket that I kept attached to my left hip at all times. I kept valuables objects that I needed at all times on me in that basket, and I can't bear to part with it.

I picked up my shovel and hand held plough and continued to walked towards my farm that was only a few feet away from me. Trailing behind me was my farm animals, waiting for their food. I walked over to the part of the farm that provided a place for the animals. It kind of looked like a majure to be completely honest. But, since it was completely open, except for a roof and three walls, I could not leave the animals outside all night. They could wonder off, be killed, or stolen from me. So, I've turned my house into a barn for the animals, and we all get along just fine.

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