Numero Dos: Flying There

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[[A/N: This is actually the thing I want to do THE MOST.... so enjoy reading the couple of paragraphs about it]]

Numero Dos!

I was nervous.  Beyond nervous really, some would even go as far as to call me a nervous wreck.  Foot tapping, eyes daring, fingers clenching and unclenching... I'd never been so terrified in my life. I chewed on my lips anxiously until they bled, knowing I had to be close to my destination by now.  How long had I been trapped with all these people?   An hour?  Two hours... three?  I had no clue, in my wrecked state, time had lost all meaning, and all I could think about was getting to where I needed to be.  Where I'd been dreaming of being for months now.  

My thoughts drifted slightly, towards what I imagined would be a weird car ride.  The poor boy had no idea how shy and awkward I was.  I'd probably not be able to say a word, I'd just open and close my mouth repeatedly, like a fish gasping for breath.  God, I was going to make such a fool of myself.  Then, what would happen when he wanted to introduce me to people?  I'd embarrass him as well as me!  Maybe I could talk him into telling his friends I was just mute?   I'd definitely have to bring that up to him.   

A message over the intercom came on, startling me out of my thoughts as one of the flight attendants thanked us all for flying with their company, and I waited until everyone else had gotten their carry-ons and exited before doing the same, following behind them with my shoulders hunched.   A hundred thoughts raced through my head..

What if he'd forgotten I was coming today?   What if he changed his mind and just stayed home?  What if.. what if... what if?  

I shook my head quickly to get rid of those ideas.  No.  He wasn't like that.  He'd never forget.  Taking a deep breath, I took a quick look around the lobby area where everyone was reuniting with a loved one.  Was he here?   

I couldn't see him.. it was always possible that perhaps he was hidden behind a large group of people.   I made my way to the very back, in a corner and folded my arms in an attempt to hide myself.  I was going to make a fool of myself, I knew it.  

My eyes darted around the room again before landing on someone I recognized all too well, and he was so close.. how did I not see him?   I walked up to him slowly, trying my hardest not to be seen.



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