Temporary Fix

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After the holidays, I traveled back home to Lynchburg and was there only long enough to do laundry and get a few hours of sleep, before I was headed to the airport. Tony had been the one to supply the tickets, first class might I add, and transport services to the tower. I met the famous Mauve (a second progression of Jarvis, post-Ultron) in this process which was unreal.

"Hello, Ms. (y/l/n), I'm Mauve, here to assist you with anything you might need. I will be traveling back with you to Stark Tower. Is there any location in which you need to stop first?"

"Ahh, no, I don't think so."

"Then we'll be there shortly, miss. In the compartments to your left and right, you'll find any beverage or snack of choice."

"I'm fine, thank you, Mauve...by the way, it's nice to meet you."

"It's lovely to meet you as well."

The ride to the tower was quiet as I took in the city as we rode by. Mauve didn't bother me, nor did I have much to say to him, but as I saw the tower ahead of us through the windshield, my nervous system kicked into overdrive. My hands began to get clammy, despite the 22-degree weather outside. All of the senses in my body seemed to be on high alert as my body began to tingle like when a part of it falls asleep. My stomach began to churn. I didn't know why I was so nervous.


"Yes, ma'am?"

"How are things at the tower? How is Bucky doing? Is everyone okay with me visiting?"

"Ma'am, I'm not sure I have the right to answer those questions."

"Not you too, Mauve! Can no one tell me anything?"

"I can tell you that Mr. Barnes is happy to be seeing you."

"Well, I guess that beats bad news...." I muttered to myself. Once we stopped, the door to the vehicle opened, seemingly of its own volition. I stepped out, dragging my bag behind me.

Sam appeared at my side, taking my bag.

"Hey, (y/n). Let's get inside, I'll show the way."

He didn't give me a chance to reply. He all but pushed me forward and into the building. Once we were in an elevator, I dared to speak.

"So hello to you too? What's the hushed rush about?"

"Brrr, it's cold outside. Can't you tell?" He was a terrible liar. I looked at him in the eyes, but he immediately looked away and to the LED screen telling us which floor we were on.

"Sam, what's wrong? Where's Bucky? What's going on? What about Steve?" I flew into a mountain of loaded questions. Why didn't Bucky meet me? Something clearly had to be wrong.

"Ahh, Bucky and Steve are a little preoccupied right now is all. I'll help you get settled. That's all."

"Sam. Steve and Bucky don't just become preoccupied unless something is wrong. Has Bucky had an episode? Dammit Sam, just tell me!" I half-yelled this at him, fed up with the secrecy, as the doors of the elevator opened. I continued to glare at him instead of out the doors until I heard Bucky's voice.

"I told them you wouldn't like this plan."

My head swished so quickly to see a healthy and happy looking Bucky. He grinned at me, eyes skimming down my body, taking in the sight of me. I couldn't help but stare at him. The elevator doors began to close, but I didn't notice until they were almost shut. I jumped forward, yelling "no!" while Sam's voice cut through the fog "calm down, woman, damn," as he pressed the door open button for me. Once the doors opened again, I jumped into Bucky's open arms. He held me tight and picked me up off the ground, but not far. My eyes squished tight, relishing in the moment and the feel of being in Bucky's arms again. He put me down after a few seconds but didn't let go. I looked around him and saw Steve smirking in our direction. I also saw party decorations spread across the massive...I assumed, living space. I also saw many of the Avengers sitting on the couches, staring at the exchange.

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