"And I bet that I can march to the Principal's office before you even got out of this room and get you fired for what you did." I snapped my head around in surprise. I didn't even expect Melanie to say anything at all. I tried to grab her attention but she continued to look fixedly at Ms Rose. This time it was Ms Rose's turn to go pale, but then her face heated up again. Remarkable, how she was able to switch colours just like that. She reminded me of a chameleon.

"Ah yes. Melanie Campbell. I'm still not done with you, either. Do you also want to pay the Principal a visit in his office? Because I think I can arrange that for you when you continue with that attitude."

"Do it then." Melanie lifted her chin slightly, as if challenging Ms Rose. "I am pretty sure that I would be able to tell the Principal the true story. You can't just expel students for stating the truth. Even you should know that."

I could tell that Ms Rose was seething on the inside. She gritted her teeth. "You two will meet me in the Principal's office during your lunch time at one o'clock sharp. Then we will talk to the Principal and see what he has to say about all this. Understood?"

Her glare was actually quite intimidating and all the fight had anyway left me already. I bowed my head and looked at the floor. "Fine, whatever."

"Excuse me, Ms Ruby Tinkers?"

"I mean: of course, dear Ms Rose." My voice was dripping with sarcasm.

"Sure." Melanie shrugged. She could be annoying at times, but I admired how she stayed calm throughout the entire discussion.


"How did it go, Ruby? Are you in trouble? Why did you talk back to her like that? I was, like really worried!" Lena bombarded me with questions as soon as I dropped my bag off at a table in the school cafeteria she secured for us. Her little sister, Anna, was sitting next to her.

"I'll fill you in as soon as I get something to eat. I'm so hungry I could eat a whale," I said and scampered off, but not before I could hear Anna giggling.

I grabbed a tray and stood in line at the back of the queue. I looked at the menu selection on the screen above our heads. Spaghetti with tomato sauce, stir-fried vegetables with braised beef and the completely vegan option. The cooler also offered sandwiches and some of those small, miniature cereal boxes as a snack. I shuddered. I will probably never trust cereal of any kind again.

I took the pasta and pushed my way through the throng of indecisive students all the way to the cashier. I looked over the head of a tall guy standing in front of me and looked for the table Lena was keeping empty. I smiled; my brother just arrived at the table and sat down in an empty chair. I paid the cashier and bee lined straight for the table. Lena was just scooping another spoonful of pasta into her mouth.

"How was the test, sis? I heard you got into trouble from Ms Rose." My brother was munching on his sandwich and talking at the same time.

"Yo, it's not polite to talk with your mouth full. You'll never get a girlfriend at this rate, Dylan." I lightly smacked the side of his head and looked pointedly at Anna. "You wouldn't want to date someone with manners like those, would you?"

Anna blushed and furiously shook her head. "See, Dylan? You've got to learn from her; she's polite at least. Then you could finally have a social life."

"Sis!" he complained. "I'm not interested in getting a girlfriend. Besides," he grinned, "you aren't exactly setting the best example for having a social life. You only ever hang out with Lena."

Lena made an affirmative sound and ate more pasta. I chewed thoughtfully. "Yeah, and that's enough!" I defended myself. "And because of that I am trying to prevent you from doing the same mistake as well."

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