Chapter 2 - Insight

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Zoey's P.O.V

I feel the comfort and security of my bed underneath my back as I gaze to the ceiling taking in a slow deep breathe relaxing my body from the tension of the day. Gradually my thoughts cloud my mind as each second flies by, almost like a photo album where each snapshot and moment comes back. Being a deep thinker has its pros and cons, though you do over analyse many moments from the past and future. You never seem to be in the present moment, only when your fascination takes over and pulls you back into reality. Curiosity is the exact thing that keeps me motivated, almost like fuelling the fire but in my case, it is fuelling my desires and wants. Although, to keep myself stable I must remain content.

My family is what keeps my head above the water, my family includes my loving parents, David my father and Juliana my mother. My dad David is a structural engineer who has a passion for innovating and designing important buildings, bridges or even an easy footpath. When he arrives home from work each night he has a large smile that is planted on his face, you can tell that he loves what he does and him knowing the impact it has on the people around him. Dad and I love to go fishing every holiday season, it's just something nice to do and we find it quite relaxing to just sit on the water and wait till our fish has come. Dad is like a rock to mum and me, providing us with almost everything we need. My mum, Juliana is so sweet and I sometimes thinks she loves me too much, to the point where she must give me a kiss every day before I leave school and struggles to let me go. At times it can be embarrassing but she loves me dearly and it's a nice feeling to have someone love you that deeply. This is how I stay grounded.

I don't feel the need to possess fancy items or a wear a diamond bracelet to showcase who I am. What mattered most to me was being happy in the environment you were given. Whether that be a small pokey house in the middle of nowhere or a rich mansion consisting of one's desires. It didn't matter what, where or when, you see what mattered was to simply be happy in what life threw you. Whether it be good or bad that's just how things are meant to be.

My phone buzzes to the side of me, I reach over and check the notification.

notification* Tilly

- Hey Z, out the front hurry up let's go! XX T

The mirror opposite me at the end of my room reflects my image, my dark brunette hair and my light blue eyes look back at me. I've always been told I have crystal blue eyes that demand attention. My outfit is skinny jeans and a cute pale pink T-shirt that says 'COOL'. I guess I look presentable. I take one last look in the mirror, then grab my phone and money and head through the doors of my bedroom down the stairs and out the front to Tilly's car. Tilly's car is a white BMW, with tinted windows and a sleek design of the body.

"Jump in!" Tilly yells, with her window down while her elbow rested on the side. That exact bright smile she does lures me in.

I jump into the passenger seat beside her, taking in the flash designs of the car. Of course, her favourite music is blasting at top volume, deafening my ears with each beat. Tilly has her hot shades on, and I have to admit she looks good. Tilly's dad Michael works for BMW so that's why her family is overflowing with good looking BMWs. I make myself comfortable before settling into a conversation.

"How are you?" I ask, almost on the verge of yelling with that loud music blurting at top volume.

"Great thanks, how bout you, hun?" She responds, pushing the accelerator and starts to drive.

"Argh alright. Pretty tired cause of Cheer training for the past 3 nights," I say back.

"Omg doesn't even get me started, why did they have to make it go on for absolutely forever, don't understand life sometimes," Tilly complains.

"Well, we're on the same page there!" I chuckle as a smile forms onto my face.

Tilly keeps on driving while the music is still blasting at top volume. As the melody of the song goes on the usual daydream occurs again, me drifting off into my own thoughts. Thoughts capture me, and they do a good job of it. I love to daydream, it takes me to another dimension another place far far away from the world. 

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