Chapter Two: Broken and Confused Feelings

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-Harry's P.O.V-

As I saw the car in the distance driving away, Danielle's face just got smaller and smaller. I couldn't help but feel heartbroken. I know that I messed up big time by telling her a lie, but I didn't think it would end up this way. I'm so stupid to think that she wouldn't find out, but she did. This is what I get for being a 'best friend'. I feel so bad for hurting Dani, she doesn't deserve this, she deserves only the best. It is trearing me apart insde, knowing that she hates me right now.  I hate the sight of Dani crying, and it kills me to know that this time her tears are because of me.

When Dani said that she regreted being best friends with me and wished that we never were, I died inside. To hear those words come out of her mouth felt like a knife was being stabbed into my heart continuisly. I know she said those things out of her anger, I really hope she didn't mean what she said. Because I... didn't regret our friendship at all. Besides becoming famous and becoming part of One Direction, our friendship was the best thing that ever happened to my life.

She was always there for me when I needed her, she would comfort me, laugh with me, smile with me, and even cry with me. She was there at the hardest points of my life. I would always run to her, and she would welecome me with open arms. But lately I have not been that great. When she needed me, I wouldn't be there. I would be passed out drunk. Dani is such an amazing girl, she deserves much better than me.

That was the last thing i want, for my best friend to HATE me.  But I don't know if we are best friends anymore, after what I did. If I could turn back time, I would have not blown her off. I guess I can only wish. When she saw me and that blonde chick, I think her name is Lisa, or was it Alice? Oh I don't even remember. But when I saw Dani, I knew that I was done for. When I looked into her eyes it was filled with sadness, pain and anger. She was angry with me, I don't blame her though.

I deserve it. After all I did, with blowing her off to go partying and making out with countless girls. But I didn't want her to hate me, I wanted her to LOVE me. But I don't deserve her love, not one bit. Her words echoed throughout my mind "Harry talk to me when you actually mean what you say. Talk to me when you finally figure yourself out.Tallk to me when you finally stop making the same mistakes." I will do anything, it takes for her to forgive me. She's my best friend and will always will be. I won't let her go, not after everything we've been through together. I know I screwed up, but I won't let this end our friendship. I've known her my entire life, and if she thinks I'm just going to walk away. She's wrong, I won't give up. I'm going to fight for her. There is no way in hell I'm going to give up. I'll prove it to her.

-Ally's P.O.V-

I can't believe Harry! He is such a jerk, what kind of best friend is he? How dare he do that to Dani! UGH, he is such an idiot! Just because he is famous now, doesn't give him the damn right to hurt her like that. Out of all people, he was the least person I expected to do that. If he pulls something again I swear I will kill him!

-Normal P.O.V-

Ally and Danielle were driving back from Nandos. Ally was driving while Danielle was fast asleep in the passenger seat.

Danielle starts to move around in the seat and mummers "Harry, I love you"

Ally takes a glance at her best friend, and sees that Dani is just sleep talking. She just laughs quietly to herself. She couldn't believe after everything that happens Dani still loves Harry. She doessn't deserve a jackass like Harry. She deserves so much more. She gets an idea, she will set Dani up with other guys to get her mind off Harry. She can can only hope that this plan would actually work.

Danielle's eyes flutter open, and groans.

"Ugh, Ally how much longer? I really want to sleep!" Dani complains.

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