Chapter 1: Love At First Sight

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"Kat, be with me forever. We can laugh, live, mine."

Beep beep beep! Beep beep beep! Beep bee~click!

"Ugh! Why do I have to go today? School is the definition of hell!" Kat screamed as she threw her head into the pillow, punched it at least twenty times and throws it across the room.

Kat never liked school. No one really does. The only friends she has are Alice, Rose, Lorie, Kayla, and Melissa. They are all crazy and sing randomly in the hallways, but they still are all the closest of friends. Besides them, Kat has no friends. 

"She is the absolute opposite of popular."

"You know I can hear you, right?"
"Oh! Sorry Kat, carry on with...whatever you are doing..."
"I'm getting ready for school; in 20 minutes and 35 seconds!"
"Ok Kat, but if you're late it's not my fault!"

7:29 am

"Kat, are you sure you aren't going to be late? School starts in 1 minute!"

"....I might be a LITTLE late..."
Long story short, Kat was late that fine Monday morning.

10:00 am
Kat was walking through the school, blasting her headphones (LIKE A BOSS) and, *sigh* she wasn't watching where she was going. (Kat I thought you LEARNED YOUR LESSON FROM THE ANIMES)

 She tripped over a  VERY HOT GUY and accidentally kissed him and was laying on top of him. (0//////0) Worse enough, it was Taylor, the most popular guy in the school. Taylor helped Kat up, with the most caring look in his eyes.

"Hey, are you ok? You took quite the fall there.." Taylor asked, obviously worried about Kat's health.
"W-wha? Yeah I'm fine.." Kat answered, flustered.

"Are you sure? Do you want me to take you to the nurse?" Taylor asked again.

"N-no, I'm fine." Kat answered, really flustered now.

"Ok. Well, just in case, here's my number. Call me if you, you know, want to talk or something.."

"O-o-ok, sounds great!" Kat answered, about to die from blushing.

Taylor walked away, and Kat ran into the bathroom and screeched for an hour.

Kat was in love.


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