"Yeah probably for Charlotte" I said rolling my eyes.

"No when we got here, he ran up to us and asked if you were okay" Carmella said.

"Where is he now" Jade asked.

Roman walked into the room right before the nurse walked in.

"Well we see that both babies have different fathers but for Briana, Mr. Ambrose is her father, so we need the second father to take the DNA test for Asia" she said.

"He's right over there" I said pointing at Roman.

The nurse pulled Roman out of the room and Dean walked back in with Briana in his arms.

"She has my nose" he said.

After a few more minutes Roman walked back in the room with Asia in his arms.

"She's very beautiful" he said.

"Dean give the baby to me" Becky said.

"Why" he groaned.

"Because Sasha would want me to hold her" she said.

"Fine" he said before he laid a sleeping Briana in her arms.

"She gets the beauty from Sasha, Dean just has his blue eyes" Becky said.

Jade glared at Roman before Briana grabbed her finger.

Jade looked down at her before she grabbed Briana out of Becky's arms.

Roman walked over to me and handed Asia back to me and kissed my forehead which made Dean growl.

"I wish I could spend more time with her but Charlotte got hurt so I have to see her" Roman said before he walked out of the room and out of mine and Asia's life.

Luckily Briana had Dean but that changed too.

Dean started wrestling and didn't have time for Briana so I was one taking care of both Asia and Briana. I am their mother so I'll always stay with them and protect them like a father should.
Flashback Ends
"Where's Briana" Dean asked once we stopped kissing.

"Oh she wasn't feeling good so she stayed home with my aunt" I said.

"I want to see her again" he said.

"Oh you'll love her, she's really sweet just like mommy" Asia said.

Joelle smiled at us and grabbed my hand.

"Can I go" she asked.

"Well sweetie, you'll have to ask your daddy or mommy" I said trying not to hurt her feelings by telling her she can't go because her dad wants to be stupid.

Seth walked over to us and grabbed Joelle's hand.

"She can go, but as long as we don't tell Roman, she'll be fine" he said.

"Yay we get to meet Briana" she cheered.

"Asia don't do this ever to your mom" I said.

"Okay mommy" she said before Joelle grabbed her hand.

"Well let's go meet Briana" Dean said grabbing my hand.

We followed Seth, Joelle, and Asia outside with Jade and Randy following behind us.

Joelle, Seth, Randy, and Dean got in a separate car and me, Asia, and Jade got in my car.

I started driving with Seth following behind me.

After a few more minutes we finally pulled up to my house and got out of our cars.

I unlocked my front door and we walked inside.

"Asia it's time for bed so go get into your PJs while I go get your sister" I said.

Everyone else sat down in the living room and me and Asia walked upstairs to get her sister.

We walked into their room and Briana woke up.

"Mommy" she said.

"Hey baby girl how are you feeling" I asked touching her forehead.

"I'm hot mommy" she said.

"Well I can make a doctor's appointment for you so if you still feel sick tomorrow you can stay home" I said.

"Okay mommy" she said.

"Sweetie there's some people that want to meet you downstairs" I said.

"There is" she asked.

Asia walked out of their bathroom fully changed into her favorite pajamas.

"Yes there is" she said.

I picked Asia up and laid her down on her bed before tucking her in. I kissed her forehead before picking Briana up.

She laid her head on my shoulder. O turned off their light and shut the door behind me and walked downstairs with Briana still on my hip.

Dean got up and walked up to us once we walked into the living room.

"There's my beautiful baby girl" he said to Briana.

"Daddy" she said

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"Daddy" she said.

He grabbed her from my arms and put her on his hip before he sat down with her on his lap.

"Joelle sweetie you look sleepy" I said noticing her.

She walked up to me and I put her on my lap.  She laid her head on my chest before she fell asleep.

"I'm surprised Roman hasn't called us yet" Seth said.

Briana looked at Joelle before she laid her head on Dean's chest and fell asleep.

Dean's phone started ringing and he picked it up and looked at the caller ID.

"Speaking of the devil" he said before he answered the call.

He put it on speaker.

"Hey Roman" Dean said.

"Where is my child, Dean" Roman asked.

I heard Galina giggling in the background.

"She's with us, so she's safe, don't worry about her" Dean said before he hung up on Roman.

Joelle started moving and was flinching in her sleep.

I quickly woke her up and she started crying.

"Hey it's okay, you're safe with us" I said rubbing her back.

I heard a car pull into my driveway before we heard loud knocks on my front door.

Everyone stayed quiet.

Asia walked downstairs but Seth kept her quiet.

"We know you're in there" Roman yelled.

Surprise  (Roman Reigns and Sasha Banks Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora