Chapter 6

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Sasha's POV
Birth of Asia and Briana(Dean's baby) -seven years ago
"Come on baby push" Dean said trying to encourage me.
I'm surprised he's not scared of me right now.

Jade is on the other side of my bed and Dean was holding onto my hand.

"Dean what if I don't make it" I asked him through the pain that I was going through.

"Hey don't say that" he said.

After a few more minutes I was finally able to push.

I held Dean's tight and started pushing.

After 2 more pushes I finally heard the cries from one of my baby girls. I kept pushing until I heard the cries from my second baby girl.

I let go of Dean's hand and the nurse cleaned up my babies and wrapped them little pink blankets before laying both of my children on my chest.

"They are so beautiful" Dean said before one of my daughter's wrapped her tiny hand around Dean's big finger.

"Well I can tell that's your baby and that's she's going to be daddy's baby girl" I said looking at my children.

A/N: the one looking at the camera is Roman's baby and the other one that is looking away is Dean's baby

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A/N: the one looking at the camera is Roman's baby and the other one that is looking away is Dean's baby.

"What do you want their names to be" the nurse asked.

"Asia Simone Anoa'i and Briana Gabrielle Ambrose" I said.

"Those are beautiful names and we need to take a DNA test for both babies and the father that's right beside you" the nurse said pointing at Dean.

Dean kissed my forehead before he followed the nurse out of the room.

"Wait what about Roman, shouldn't he be here for his baby" Jade asked.

"You really think he would want to be here" I asked her.

She chuckled before sitting down on my hospital bed.

"You must be feeling a lot of pain right now" she said.

"I'm here, where are my babies" Becky said running into the room.

"Taking a DNA test" I said.

Bayley and Carmella walked in and had scared looks on their faces.

"What's wrong" I asked them.

"We saw Roman in the waiting room" Bayley said.

Surprise  (Roman Reigns and Sasha Banks Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant