Chapter sixteen: A Special Place

Start from the beginning

   "Ice skating rinks are romantic! I thought it'd be fun!" I protested. He sighed and turned to leave.

   "Hiroomi-! C'mon! You can't knock it till you try it." I smiled nervously at him while pointing at the rink. He eyed it again and then released a long sigh.

   "Okay, I guess since I'll be with you, it'll be fun." I celebrated inside my mind and grabbed his arm and dragged him toward the ice skates rental. I ordered us pairs and then we put them on. We walk awkwardly toward the entrance of the rink and held on to the outside edge. I gleamed at the ice and got ready to adjust my balance to the slippery surface. Hiroomi folded his arms and sat his head grumpily on top of them. I stared at him for a moment and then patted his arm.

"C'mon, together." He finally smiled and moved to the opening with me. I went first on the ice and almost fell from the first touch. Hiroomi's cold hands caught my back and lifted me back up. I then turned around and held out my hand. He hesitated, examined the surface and how I stood, then he grabbed my hand. He carefully settled on the ice and his other hand hovered alone far from his side. I knew how to ice skate, I went almost every year with my mother, but this year I decided to bring Hiroomi. I didn't want to tell him I brought him here for my own selfish reasons, besides, this place was special to me. I wanted to share this special place with someone I loved.

He stumbled a little and slipped. I quickly cradled him in my arms and helped him up again. He laughed nervously.

"My worst enemy," he joked. I chuckled and rolled my eyes. I held his hand and pushed away.

"Woah, woah, hey! S-slow down!" He said anxiously. He tried to keep up with me and soon copied my movements. I helped him around the rink three times before he finally was able to skate with balance.

"You learn quick for someone who hates the ice." I joked. He glared at me playfully and gently bumped into me. I bumped him back and he did it again. Our harmless bumps turned into a rough race. He was trying to catch me, while trying not to fall at the same time.

"A-Akkey!" He laughed and breathed hard. He was getting tired of chasing me so I swiftly circled him and caught him off guard in the back. I wrapped my arms around his waist and we skated together. A bubble of warm air surrounded us as we practically danced on the rink. We swayed from one side to the other and then I twirled him. He started to laugh, got dizzy, and stumbled forward. I caught him in my arms and lifted him up, laughing.

"See? Even your enemy can make you happy." My words had no sense, I blamed the cold and the silliness we developed. He just laughed it off and we linked arms. We skated together for awhile. I looked over at his red face. I smiled warmly as I saw the happiness in his face. I'm glad you like this place, I thought and lay my head on his shoulder. He leaned his head on top of mine.

"We should come here next year." He whispered. He probably didn't know how much those words affected me. I only got to share my childhood here with my mother before she left for her work. For the past few years, I came to this place alone. I figured if I brought Hiroomi here, this place would come back to me as a happy location. When I fist saw how disappointed he was, it crushed me. Will this ever be a happy place again? I always thought all those lonely years. But now, it felt like home again.

"Yeah, we should." I spoke finally. I skated in front of him and leaned in for a kiss. He immediately accepted it and we kissed right in the middle of the flow of other skaters.

We decided to buy some hot chocolate from a café nearby to warm us up. We sat against the window and stayed close.

"Hey, Akkey," he began. I smiled the hot beverage carefully and watched him.

"Yeah?" I felt the left over substance above my lip, but didn't acknowledge it until Hiroomi wiped it away himself. We exchanged smiles and he continued.

"Why did you pick the ice skating rink as our first date?" He chuckled, obviously confused since I knew he hated anything cold. I tapped my cup a few times before answering.

"I guess because my mother used to take me every year." My eyes wondered to the salt and pepper and sugar packets. He tilted his head and simpered.

"Oh yeah?" He sipped his cup, almost absorbing the liquid. I chuckled a little and scratched my nose.

"Yeah, I guess it just means a lot to me to show someone that I love my special place." As if it were on cue, my cheeks became red with embarrassment. Did I seriously just said something that stupid?! He then leaned his head into his hand and blushed a little as well.

"Good to know." He then leaned over and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Thanks for setting up the perfect first date, Akkey." I almost couldn't help but smile like an idiot. Do I even deserve a guy like Hiroomi? Probably not, but I wouldn't trade him for anything in the world. He makes me happy and I was glad I got to share such a special place.

Next Update: December 21st

A/n: I decided to have a happy chapter for once ♪('ε`')
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