"just let me take her to the room." She leads the way and I placed Maria down on the hostpital bed. As soon as she was safely on the bed, Daria shooed me out the room and I had to wait in the hallway.

6 minutes later she walked out the room with her arm crossed, right next to the burnette girl that was sitting next Maria.

"So, you come to my office, rushing me, while not even saying a simple "hi". Wheres my hug?" she smiled and hugged me. After a few seconds she let go. In serious mode now.

"So that girl looks unharmed, she just fainted from some kind of stress. what happened?" she looked at both me and the brunette to find the answer.

"I don't know. She just fainted, that's all I understood." The brunette said. Daria just nodded then made eye contact with me.

"Is she who I think she is?" she whispered quiet loudly to me.

"I believe so." I said. I get this feeling that this is her, she looks exactly like Maya, but then again, I met a doppelgänger before. Daria squealed on a high frequency and turned back around to open the door. Maria was lying on the bed with her eyes closed. I'm sure she just woke up, as her breathing was obviously different from the soft ones she had when she was out. Now, it sounded forced.

"She's still out?" I asked, playing along.

"By the looks of it, yes. I'll give her a bag of ice to cool down with. She most likely had a panic attack at that so called orientation." Daria paused and looked at me. "You might want to sit down in that chair if you're going to be a creep and watch us. She most likely wouldn't remember you darling."

"She will one day." I said sadly. I really hope so. I started thinking about what happened many years ago. Me and Maria going home after our honeymoon. I suddenly felt my side start to burn and my hand flew to it.

I looked up and saw Daria looking over Maria. That's when Maria opened her eyes. I knew she was acting.

"Hi honey. How are you?" Daria smiled widely. I watched as Maria relaxed.

"A little drowsy." Maria said. Her voice was surprisingly not groggy.

"Well, don't worry, you'll be up and running before classes tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" Maria face was as pale as a ghost.

"Yes dear. School doesn't really start till tomorrow. Most new students didn't know that they have to live here and learn, so the principle decided to give them a day to get their stuff packed and ready to live here." Daria explained. It took Maria a second to comprehend this. She then startedto tear up.

"Darling, are you crying?" Daria asked Maria, concerned.

"These, are just happy tears Daria-" Maria paused. She just said Daria's name like she knew her well. Could she already remember? Daria started to smile. That's when Maria looked over to where I was sitting. She looked at me with a panicked expression. She opened her mouth, trying to form words. The brunette that was once sitting by Maria was standing there awkwardly and confused.

"P-Prince Arion, w-why are you in here?" she stuttered out.

"I was just checking in on you Maria. Had to make sure you were ok after that scene in the auditorium." I answered, over explaining myself.

"My name is not Maria. Why is everyone calling me Maria?" she looked at me with an fustreated expression and I soon realize she don't remember anything at all, not even a little bit. The fight in me just melted away.

"What is your name sweetie?" Daria asked Maria.

"Maya." She asked. She looked curiously at Daria.

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