Chapter 1; Dancing in London

Start from the beginning

Oh how I wish I could play.

The man had dark curly hair, and stunning silver-blue eyes. He was dressed in a nice dress shirt, and suit jacket, with slacks, and sneakers.

This must be Sherlock.

"John, who's this?" he asked.

"Sherlock, I told you my niece was coming to stay with us." Uncle said.

"You did? When?" Sherlock asked.

"Weeks ago. Do you ever listen to me?' uncle asked.

"No, not really. Only when I think you're going to say something intelligent." Sherlock said.

I giggled, only to have Sherlock's head snap in my direction.

I stood there, froze. I didn't like being the center of attention to people I didn't even know.

Suddenly, Sherlock had a rather confused expression his face.

He began to mumble something about not being able to read.

"Sherlock, what on earth are you mumbling about now?" uncle asked.

"I cant read her John! Why cant I read her!" Sherlock snapped.

"I dunno Sherlock. This has only happened with..." uncle trailed off.

"The Woman." Sherlock said.

Then both men turned towards me.

"Now child, tell me your name." Sherlock said.

"Oh, i-I'm Winter." I said, quickly.

"Come one, then. I'll show you to your room, dear." Uncle said, grabbing my suitcase.

I followed him to the stairs, not bothering to look back at Sherlock. I could feel him staring at me as I walked away.

"You know Winter, this suitcase is rather light. You didn't pack much clothing did you?" Uncle John asked.

"No, uncle. I don't have much clothing. At boarding school we were made to wear uniforms. We could only wear other clothes outside of school or on weekends. I never went home for holidays, mother didn't want me. So I didn't have much use for them." I said, a bit embarrassed.

"Its quite alright. Most of your things arrived earlier this week, you just have to put them away. Then, we can go shopping to buy you clothes, alright?" uncle said, I nodded.

Uncle John left, walking down the stairs. I shut the door, and began to put things away. About half way threw I got bored with the annoying silence. I only liked silence when I was thinking.

I then turned on my ipod dock, and turned on Love Song by Sarah Barellies. I turned it up, but not loud enough for them to hear it downstairs, unless they have super hearing.

I began to sing along, as I twirled and danced about the room, putting things away. I had a decent voice, I had been told, but I knew my dancing was horrendous. But I didn't care, I was having fun.

By the end of the song, I was finally finished.

"Well, well, your quite the little songstress aren't you!" a voice said behind me.

I turned around, and seen Sherlock, standing in the doorway, a sly grin on his face.

"I umm, you- how much of that did you just see?" I asked.

"Enough to know two things. You have a good voice, but my dear, you need some dancing lessons." He said, chuckling a bit.

I blush furiously.

"So what did you need?" I asked.

"Well I came here to tell you that your uncle popped out for a bit, and that I was put in charge of taking you shopping, but I didn't want to interrupt." He said.

"Right, well, you certainly don't have to. I can wait until uncle gets back." I said.

Sherlock walk towards me, placing his hands on my shoulders. Shivers were sent down my spine, but I ignored them. Mainly because I wasn't sure if it was because his hands were cold, or because of...something else.

Sherlock stared at me for several moments, looking deep into my eyes.

His nose was scrunched up a bit, in what I gathered as his 'thinking face'.

"I don't understand. Why cant I read you?" he whispered.

I stood there, froze, not wanting to move.

Sherlock tuned away from me, heading to the door.

"Meet me down stairs in ten minutes." He said as he left.

I collapsed on my bed, letting out a heavy sigh. I closed my eyes, only to have Sherlock's face flash threw my minds eye. He was so...mysterious.

But why?

What was he hiding?

What was he so afraid of?

After a duration of 5 minutes, I walked downstairs, seeing Sherlock standing at the window, playing the violin, rather beautifully.

I stood by uncle Johns chairs, listening to him play.

If he knew I was standing there, I didn't know, but judging by the surprised look on his face when he turned around, I'd say not.

"Your good." I said.

"Thank you. Do you play?" he asked.

"No, I wish though. I do however play the piano." I said, looking about the room.

Then something caught my eye. I walked over to the wall, opposite the fireplace.

"Are those bullet holes?" I asked, pointing to the rather large holes in the wall.

Sherlock nodded.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I got bored." He said.

I giggled, looking at the floor.

Sherlock put on his scarf, and coat, before gesturing to head out the door.

We walked outside, onto the pavement, and began to call for a cab.

I had a feeling this was going to be rather eventful.

What Lies Beneath (Sherlock (BBC) Fan-Fiction)**Under Heavy Rewrites**Where stories live. Discover now