Mate with Him. Uh, nope, no thank you.

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Jace White's POV


Now a days that is all i know.  Stress about me having to take over the pack that once was ruled by my now deceased father. Pain from the loss of my father. the ALPHA of the Strongheart Pack. Which is soon to be mine at the age of 18.  My birthday is next week and the on thing i am looking forward to is being able to fine my mate.  I just know she will be beautiful, and be everything i will need in life. My Soul Mate. I hope its Ally, she is so hot with a banging body, litteraly. Any one else besides that fat ass lump Darcy.

"Hey babe" i was confused, whos in my room? i turn around and see my girl. Ally.

"Hey sexy, come'er" I said being all sexy. Let the fun night begin;)

Darcy Woods's POV


All I have felt for the past 3 years.  I am ugly and fat. I have braces that are to big for my mouth, ratty brown hair that always gets knotted. And that is not where the pain comes from. Both mental, emotional, and physical pain. When ever i walk into the kitche i get called fat ass, nothing new but still hurt alot. when its coming from your sister. Ally. Tall, toned, Blonde, skinny. Absolutley Goregous. i don't love her, or hate her or anything, i just cant stand being around her because of her rude comments but also because of him. Jace.

The soon to be alpha, i feel horrible about his father. He was my second father, he taught me everything. Up until i turned 15 and never shifted, i want to shift, bad. He treated me like scum, but i loved him, he was family.  Well I used to love jace, before Ally got to him. she is a slut, i think my parents knew to name her with a y at the end because if you turn the Y upside down that is her. Legs spread. She always told me i looked just like Egly Betty, wonderful sister right?

I stopped liking Jace as soon and AllY spread her legs. She reeked of him, and him of her. Whore.  Well AllY knew i used to really like him, she likes to rub in her beauty. Alot.

My stomach grumbled and I groaned. This mean i will have to go downstairs, but i have to make sure the hallways are clear. I still have some of the werewolf senses like really good hearing(not as good as a werewolf, but not as bad as a human), Eye sight once againg not as good. That is it. I listen and all i hear is grunts and groaning from upstairs coming from Jace&AllY. Nothing else.

I go out my room and go to the kitchen, and i guess my hearing wasn't that good. Jace's bestfriend Adam was in there, he was the bad boy of the school we got to right after Jace. not as goodlooking though.  He was the the one that would shove me and call me names along with AllY.

"Hey Hippo, want some bacon? maybe some fries? Oh wait, i forgot you already ate all that shit." Adam said. I never say anything back, he would push me around more than he does now.

I put my head down and went to the fridge, i got so carrots&celery and ranch dressing. i put it on my plate. I turned around to go upstairs, I just realized Adam moved to the sink and I had to walk past him to get to the stairs. I sighed and walked, just as i thought he pretended to trip on the rug infront of the sink and shoved me hard, and i mean hip breaking hard into the counter. i didn't cry or scream, I kept my face Black and i willed my tears to stay in my eyes. i kept walking to my room and looked at the red bruiseing area that was soon to come. My bones are a little better than a humans but still almost as fragile. i ate come carrots and went to my bed. i had a jobs at the liabrary so i had some okay stuff in my room. My favorite were the comfortor i got for my bed after 4 weeks working. They were yellow, pink, orange, and peach colored. like the sunset colors in tiedye.

I saved all of my money i ever made and i am thinking of leaving the pack, i am just a burden for them. Nothing else, Just Ugly Darcy Woods.

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