"Hello and welcome to Hogwarts first Quidditch game of the season," Lee Jordan said, "Today's game Slytherin versus Gryffindor." "Go Gryffindor!!!!" I screamed.

Slytherin was flying all over the place but finally stopped. I looked around for Harry and waved he just smiled at me. "Players take your places while Madam Hooch comes out to begin the game," Lee said.

"Now I want a nice, clean game," Madam Hooch said, "from all of you."

She kicked the box and "The bludgers are up followed by the Golden Snitch," Lee said, "Remember the Snitch is worth 150 points, the Seeker who catches the Snitch wins the game."

I saw Harry look around following something, The Golden Snitch, "do you guys see that?" I asked Ron and Hermione. "See what?" Hermione asked me. "The Golden Snitch, its right by the Gryffindor flag," I said pointing to the exact flag.

"You can see the Snitch to, amazing," Ron said smiling. I turned around to see Madam Hooch grab the Quaffle and through it up in the air. "The Quaffle is released and the game begins," Lee said.

I see everyone going for it and Gryffindor has it, but Slytherin had to come and bump them right over the teachers head, but we still had it.

"Come on Gryffindor!" I screamed, and we scored. "Angelina Johnson has just scored 10 points for Gryffindor," Lee said. "GO GRYFFINDOR!!!!" I yelled.

I looked over to see Harry clapping, but then a bludger came and only missed his face, by an inch. "Harry," I said. "Well done," Hagrid said.

"Slytherin takes possession over the Quaffle," Lee said, "they passed it to Captain Marcus Flint." Gryffindor went after, but Flint went and kicked her broom making her almost fall off.

Flint threw the ball and Wood knocked it out of the way, "Good job Wood!" I screamed. Hermione and Ron looked at me, but soon went back to cheering.

I looked around to see that we had it and was throwing it back and forth, so the Slytherins behind them.

They tossed it to Angelina and she shot it threw Slytherins goal, "Another 10 points to Gryffindor," Lee said. "Go Gryffindor!!!!" Everyone screamed, except Slytherin of course. I looked over to see Harry clapping and a bludger not coming his way this time.

Slytherin had the Quaffle and was now trying to get in our goal, but Wood caught it again. I saw Flint take the bat of one of his beaters and hit the bludger right into Wood. "Oh my lord," I said getting up. "What are you doing?" Hermione asked me.

"He's Cedric's friend I need to help him," I said then looked over to Dumbledore and he just nodded to me. He got up, but just stood there.

I ran out onto the field, "And we have Delia Diggory, a Gryffindor, out on the field," Lee said, but before he turned it off I heard Professor McGonagall, "Oh Dear."

I ran over and bent down, "Oliver come on now wake up," I said shaking his shoulders. "Now we have Cedric Diggory, Captain and Seeker of Hufflepuff on the field," Lee said.

Cedric came and bent down beside me, "What happened?" He asked. "It's Wood, that stupid Slytherin knocked him out with a bludger even though he's not a beater," I said, "Isn't that some kind of penalty?" I asked Madam Hooch. "I'm not for sure dear," she said," now come on," she said trying to pull me up.

"No he's my friend and some-what Cedric's I'm staying," I said. "Alright, but move back some, so you don't get hit, while someone goes and get's Madam Pomfrey, Cedric dear take this," she said handing Cedric a bat.

I looked at Cedric and he grabbed Wood's feet and pulled him over some, "Delia what was you thinking?" Cedric asked, "you could of got hit."

"I don't know," I said looking down at Wood. The game went on and I nearly got hit a couple times, but Cedric hit them away, "Wow what a sight, Cedric Diggory, not even in this game or a beater hitting them back," Lee said with amusement in his voice.

The Diggory Sister (Part 1) A Harry Potter Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now