Birthday Wishes. -Chapter one-

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It was the friday before my sweet sixteen, and I intended to party it up my last day of being fifteen. As far as partying goes; I'm not much of one. I'll occasionally take a sip of alcohol or beer, but I have never been a smoker of any sort. My kind of partying is dancing, having fun, and letting loose. I had plans with my best friend, Ciara, to go with to meet some friends of ours. I was talking to one of the boys, Joshua, and Ciara was talking to Dex. I wasn't excited to spend my last day of being fifteen with them, considering I didn't really even like Joshua, but Ciara insisted.

"Lacey, come on! I want to see Dalton already!" Ciara exclaimed.

"I don't think it'll be fun. And besides, i don't wanna lead him on," I say looking at my buzzing phone. I look to my to my phone and see I have one new text message. It was from Jason? Weird.

From: Jason :)

Hey Lace, whatcha doing on your last night of being fifteen?:)

I smiled, and instantly responded.

To: Jason :)

Uhm, I have plans.. But i'm trying to get out of themm. Lol.

From: Jason :)

It'd be great to see you... Can I come get you? :)

He picked me up about and hour later, with Ciara in tow. She wasn't too excited, but I made her go. We hung out at his house, as we carelessly flirted with eachother. He looked incredibly adorable. I fell on his bed after we wrestled eachother, and he came and layed next to me. The lights were off, the door was closed, and then was the perfect time to make a move.

1...2...3.. He kissed me. Before I could even make the first move.

"Happy Birthday Lacey," As he pursed his lips against mine again.

I left his house floating on cloud nine. That night began what Jason and I now have today......

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2012 ⏰

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