There was a loud mixture of arguing erupted.

"Aye!" Quentin said, again. "One at a time."

Sara took a deep breath, giving Laurel time to talk. "Sara doesn't want Ollie here,"

"Because he's an ass and has hurt the both of us countless of times!"

"He's sorry," Laurel shouted back.

"Sara," Quentin rubbed the bridge of his nose. "I'm sorry, but I already accepted for Oliver to stay, I'd rather have him here where I can watch him than out with one of you where I can't watch him,"

"He won't be out with me," Sara mumbled as she stormed off to her room.


The past few days have been hell for Sara. She's been avoiding both Ollie and Laurel as much as she can. It also doesn't make it any easier when she knows Nyssa is probably nearby and hurting because of Oliver. Sara awoke to hear Laurel giggling from her room and Oliver making bad jokes that would probably make Sara what to throw a frying pan at his face if he ever said them to her.

Sara groaned and went to the bathroom to brush her teeth and than headed to the living room to turn on the T.V. as loud as it can go, to drown out the sounds.

A few moments later Oliver and Laurel entered the Living room and joined Sara.

Sara kept her faze on the T.V. but her eyes just had to sneak a glance towards them.

Oliver had his hand on Laurels thigh and the other intertwined with her hand.

Sara rolled her eyes and got up. "Are you serious?"

"What?" Oliver asked.

"You're together, again?" Sara asked, more to herself than towards them. "Unbelievable," Sara mumbled before grabbing her keys from the table and headed out to her car.

Sara started her car but turned it off right after. Where was she going to go? No one she knew was within close range.

Sara took out her phone and read the unread message.

Len❄: Morning, beautiful.

He insisted on the snowflake to be added next to his name, if Sara had a symbol than he wanted one too.

Sara smiled down at her phone.

Sara🐤: Good morning

Len❄: How's the week away doing?

Sara🐤: Horrible, I want to go back already.

Len❄: Eager to get your learn back on?

Sara🐤: Never, but anythings better than being here right now.

Len❄: Damn, that bad? Wish I could help...

Sara scrunched her eyebrows over the last of the message.

Len❄: That sounded less sexual in my head, but than again not really.

Sara rolled her eyes.

Sara🐤: I Miss you..

Sara regretted sending, afraid of the response she'd get.

It took him a little longer to reply this time.

Len❄: Miss you too.❤

Sara smiled at the response.

Len❄: Now go and enjoy your family.

Sara🐤: Demanding, much?

Len❄: Sara.

Sara🐤: ??

Len❄: Stop sulking and at least try and enjoy your father's presence.

Sara🐤: You're the one that's distracting me

Len❄: You're the one who keeps responding.

Sara🐤: You started it.

Len❄: Sara.

Sara🐤: Okay, okay. Talk to you later...

Sara sighed and got out her car and entered back into the house.

She dropped her keys back on to the table and stepped into the kitchen to find her dad.

"Hey dad," Sara leaned on the counter.

"Hey, baby," Quentin said,getting the turkey out of the fridge.

"Want me to soak it in wine for you?" Sara offered.

"Thank you," Quentin said, putting the turkey in the clean sink."I still have to go get the pumpkin pie,"

"Welcome," Sara said, moving to get the wine.


The rest of the week past by faster than Sara actually hoped for. Yes, she was upset with Laurel because of Oliver but, she's still her sister. And Sara definitely loved spending time with her dad.

Saturday morning came and Sara had to head back to Central.

Sara hugged her father bye and told him to tell Laurel her goodbye, since she was still sleeping.

Sara🐤: On my way back.

Len❄: Don't text and drive.

Sara didn't reply, but instead rolled her eyes.

Len❄: I felt that eye roll.

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