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"You're late."

"I'm not that late."

"I ordered for you."

"Is it something I'll like?"



"How was medical school today?"

"Oh, it was tiring. Real tiring. And I can't believe it's still ages before I can work at a hospital."

"Take things one at a time, sweetheart. You'll get there soon. And it seems like so long ago since you and I were in that hospital."

"Separated by a curtain."

"The most frustrating week of my life."

"Gladly, it's over."

"Yeah. Oh, the food's here."


"Hopefully, it won't be as nice as when I cook it."

"Mmmm, it's way nicer!"


"Just kidding. Yours taste better. But this is really good too!"


"That was a great dinner."

"Not as great as when I cook. Hey! Don't just plonk yourself on my sofa, you're all wet!"

"Because you were hogging the umbrella."

"I was not hogging the umbrella! The rain was just too heavy! It's literally pouring out there."

"Oh, well, be a gentleman and get me a towel."

"You're in my house, mind you."

"I'm your girlfriend, mind you."



"Don't copy me."

"Don't copy me."



"Could you come here a sec?"

"But I just sat down."

"Just come here."


[goes over to Rivers]

"I've been meaning to ask you this for a while now."


[takes something out from his pocket]

"Rivers, is that-?"

[goes down on one knee]

"Oh my god, Rivers-!"

"Emery Leens, the first time we met, you saved my life. And then we met again in the hospital and I didn't even know it was you. But then I did after a long, frustrating week, and I promised you that I would never leave you, no matter what happened. And look at where we are now. You've recovered completely from your illness. I'm still here with you. And this is probably the lamest speech ever, but Emery, I love you. And I know that even though we've overcome one big obstacle in our lives, there's still going to be more. And I know that this is going to be one heck of a ride, but I don't wanna do it, unless I can do it with you. I love you, Emery. Will you marry me?"

"Yes, yes!"

[crashes into Rivers]

"Yes, yes, yes!"

"Wait, Emery, the ring! The ring!"

[puts the ring on Emery's ring finger]

"I love you, Rivers Walter!"

"I love you too, Emery Leens."

☮️ - ☮️

so this is the end. there's still one more chapter which is an afterword! feedback is appreciated!! :-)


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