Numero Uno: A House of Popsicle Sticks

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  • Dedicated to Nurse Joy

[[Authors Ramble: Despite the name of the title, this is not a song-shot.  This is actually more of a 'bucket list", in story format, though.  So feel free to read it!  These are  small tiny chapters of all i want to do, or have happen before I die, they will all be about this length, which i know is like... 3 paragraphs, but it's howi  wanted to do with it, so read them or dont, i do not particularly care xD.  Recently, I was diagonosed with Esophogeal Cancer, so my favorite nurse thought it would be good for me to write this, and since I enjoyed writing so much, I thought at the very least, it'd give me something to do while I'm stuck here at the hospital.   Anyways!  I hope you enjoy it.  The chapters are not in order of how important these things i want to do are... they're just randomly written.]]

Numero Uno:

My feet tapped to the rythm of the of the music that blasted through the earbuds, shaking and vibrating my mind.  The music and volume may have made my headache worse than it already was, but it took my mind off of what I had been thinking about just moments ago.  I tapped the pen against my notebook as I thought about the last chapter I wanted to write about.

There were so many things I wanted to do before I died.. I wanted to fly to England, and see Big Ben. I wanted to go to Germany and get completely wasted, I wanted to make a prank phone call and move in with my boyfriend... There was just so much to do and I had so little time to do it.  I used the tip of the pen to scratch my itching cheek before realizing the cap was off and I'd most probably just drawn on myself. 

Cursing under my breath, I stood up and went to the bathroom to wash off my face.  Noticing my family in the living, building a card house on my way back to my room, I realized what it was I wanted to write about.

"I've always wanted to build a model house out of popsicle sticks."

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