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I'm sitting on my showroom desk

Roselin : Hello world!!! This hostess is back! And I have Cyclone and Blaze with me! *Points at the two sitting on the sofa* Say Hi boys!!

Cyclone: Eyo!!

Blaze : Hiiiii!!!!

Roselin : So I actually got a request from a viewer! Her name is Princess, she wants to hug all of you as ponies.

Thunderstorm : *had just step in and heard it* WHAT!?!? NO *beep* WAY YOU'RE TURNING ME INTO A PONY!!!!!!!!! *tries to run*

Roselin: Jeager!!

Jeager : *catch Thunderstorm*

Thunderstorm : Let me go!!! *Tries to shock him*

Jeager : *Not affected*

Earthquake: *Also had just came in with the rest of the Boboiboys* I wonder what's it like being a pony?

Roselin : Don't waste my time any longer!! Princess will be here anytime soon, hurry up and form a circle around me

The Boboiboys but Thunderstorm : *do as told*

Thunderstorm : Not doing it!

Roselin : *Groans* Why do you have to be so difficult? *Throws out a Pokeball* Gardevoir, Use psychic to hold him!

Gardevoir : Gar! *does it*

Thunderstorm : What?! Hey!!

Once Thunderstorm stays in place, I took out my wand, it's silver with a light blue heart gem and ribbon. I take a deep breath and chant,

Roselin : Two to four, a spell it be. Turn these boys into cute ponies!! *Held my wand as High as I can*

The gem shines and light blue sparkly aura surrounded the Boboiboys, When it clears they're no longer boys but 7 ponies!

Earthquake : Um....* Brown coat, raven mane with streaks of orange, symbol as cutie mark, is an earth pony* (All of them had their symbols as cutie marks, and their power bands turned into Power necklaces)

Cyclone : Wow!! Awesome!! *Light blue coat, navy blue mane with streaks of white and yellow, is a Pegasus*

Thunderstorm: What the *beep*!?!? *Dark grey coat, Black mane with streaks of red, is a unicorn*

Blaze : Yeah!!! *Light red coat, yellow mane with streaks of orange, is a Pegasus*

Ice : How do I sit? *Light blue coat, white mane with streaks of a bit darker shade of blue, is a unicorn*

Thorn : Awesome I guess...*Dark green coat, light green mane with streaks of black, is an earth pony*

Solar : ...............*Cream coat, yellow mane with streaks of grey, is an Alicorn*

Earthquake : Why is Solar different? He has both wings and horns!

Roselin : It's called an Alicorn, and you all look so adorable!! Kyaaa!!!

Fang : *comes in* Boboiboy, could you- *stare at them and rub his eyes* I think my eyes are playing tricks on me

Cyclone : Actually, we're really turned into ponies! *flies around*

Fang : O-kay? I'm gonna go now *hurries up and leaves*

Roselin : *on the phone* Yeah, yeah you can come in now *puts it down* Everyone please welcome Princess!!

The door burst open, a red carpet rolled out. A girl exactly my age walk in. Thunderstorm breaks into a run at her with Thunder blades in the air controlled by his magic.

Thunderstorm : You'll pay for requesting me turned into a pony!! *Charge his blades at her but they seems to hit an invisible shield bubble*

Princess : You can't use your powers on me!! I have this! *points at a necklace she's wearing*

Roselin : I gave her that necklace which had a protection spell in it to protect her from any of your powers.

Thunderstorm : Aaaaarrrrggghhhhhh!!!!!!!

Earthquake : So why is she here?

Princess : *Sees the others* OH MY GOD!!!! SO KAWAAAIIII!!!!!! *cuddles all of them*

The other Boboiboys : *cuddles back*

Princess : Ice! You're so adorable!! You look just like a male unicorn version of Snowdrop!!

Ice : I don't know who that is but thank you your highness

Roselin : What about Thunderstorm? Don't you think he needs a hug? *Points at Thunderstorm who's in the emo corner hitting his head against the wall*

Princess : *smiles* Come here Thundy!

Thunderstorm: Humph! *turn away*

Princess : *whispers to the other Boboiboys and me*

They creep to Thunderstorm and surprise him with a hug.

Thunderstorm : *Holding back a smile but fails*

Cyclone : Thundy is smiling!!

Solar : *Breaks away quickly and teleports to behind the sofa*

Thorn : Aik? Where did Solar go?

Roselin: Back there, thank you Princess for joining us today, don't forget to send more in

Princess : Anytime! Can I bring Ice home with me?

Roselin : It depends weather he's free or not. Are you?

Ice : Sorry, but I got a shooting later. Maybe next time your highness~? *winks*

Princess : *Blush* O-okay! *leaves*

Blaze : Where did that came from? O.O

Roselin : That's all for this episode-

Earthquake : Aren't you gonna change us back?!

Roselin : I didn't learn the reversing spell yet, but the effects only last an hour. And please keep sending me stuff to write about, adios! And until next time, TERBAIK!!!!!

Behind the scenes (Boboiboy)Where stories live. Discover now