11| Stay Here With Me

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Sierra's POV

There was something about Ross that both terrified me and drew me to him.

Stormie's voice knocked me out of thought. "Ross I'm so glad you could do this for us. Such a sweet boy." She sat on the arm of the chair taking a pause to take a sip from her mug and ruffling his hair playfully. He groaned in embarrassment and I couldn't help chuckle.

My heart thudded in my chest as I heard a voice behind me. "Oh, I hope you don't mind I let myself in. The door was unlocked."

"Diana. Yes of course you're here for Sierra." Stormie stood and placed her free hand on my back. The thickness in the air had returned and my lungs couldn't adapt to such a sudden change.

"Yes, Sierra gather your things." I didn't move. "Come on, hurry up. The next foster family will be expecting us and it's already quite late." I knew it was coming, but I didn't anticipate the way I would feel when the day had come.

Without a word I reluctantly obeyed, filing feelings unsaid to the back of my mind. As I thudded up the stairs I ignored the footsteps behind me. In a surge of anger I flung all of my belongings into my black backpack. This always happens, why does this always have to happen?

Steaming tears threatened to seethe down my face in rage. I kicked the foot of the bed only to feel more pain, "God damn it!"

The floorboards creaked behind me and I turned faster than my heartbeat, "I can't tell you goodbye, we've only just met," His words were surprisingly calm and were polar opposites to mine. He continued to walk closer my eyebrows still furrowed in anger, but I didn't push him away. "I know you've been hurt by so many things," His callous hand brushed at my cheek removing a tear I didn't know had escaped, "I see it in your eyes and the way you hold yourself. Please stay."

Anger fused through my veins again, he thought I had much choice in the matter? I'm only something to come in and out of lives like the tide. I could either tell him how I feel and mess up or I can say nothing and mess myself up. "This was never supposed to happen! Don't you see that I wasn't supposed to feel this way, I wasn't supposed to want to be here," I stabbed an accusing finger into his chest and his hand dropped from my face. "You. If you hadn't been here I'd be long gone, just another foster kid who blew by like the breeze. You weren't supposed to mean this damn much to me!"

He peeled himself away from me, "I'm asking you as your foster brother and your friend. Stay. Everyone needs a family. We can be yours-- I can be yours." My eyes followed his measured steps as he left the room. I realized I would have been better off blind than to watch him leave like this, but I reminded myself that nothing is permanent. Not the budding roses or the beaming sun, not even Ross. Somehow, I was losing someone who was never even mine. So I had to ignore the truth for a little bit of temporary happiness, this how it always was, this is how it always will be.

A pair of dainty footsteps clicked and Diana fell into view. "Who am I going to next? Who's my next victim?" I asked dryly.

"The Eldermans. They're a nice family." Family. Family. She didn't know shit about family. I slumped onto the bed and breathed in as she sat beside me.

"That's what you said about this one, but you were wrong. I almost--" I clenched my teeth together to bite back choking on emotion, "and-- and I want to stay here. This is a real family." I tried not to reveal my surprise at my own revelation. Her lips parted to speak, but I cut her off, "I need to stay here to get better. At least until they kick me out. I don't think I'll ever feel better if I continue at the Eldermans or any other home for that matter. Diana, please. I'd like to stay." I rested my hand on hers and she didn't pull away, but she also didn't do anything to ease my worry.

She stared at our hands lapsed together  for about a minute. "Okay, but this is on a trial basis and only because I care about your well being, but if I hear even a whisper of bad behavior you will be relocated immediately without protest. Understand?" It was the first time in years I had seen emotion other than annoyance drawn back into her face.

"Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!" I jumped at her throwing my arms around her neck into an unwelcome hug. She didn't hold me back, she held her ground and remained poised, but that was a major improvement. "I'm gonna go tell the rest of the family." I stood quickly. She nodded, detached from it all, "Will you come with me?" I offered with my hand drawn to help her up.

"Of course." Her eyes sparkled as we headed down the stairs to tell them the news. Together.

Diana cleared her throat loudly and Ross and Stormie stood from their seats as if they were her soldiers. "Mrs. Lynch, I would like to ask if you would keep Sierra until you deam it is necessary for her to move on to her next foster home?"

"You mean if she can stay with us?" Diana nodded and Ross watched intently. She slurped from her cup once more and set it down beside her. Anticipation chilled my bones and crawled down my throat. "Absolutely," She showed her toothy smile and opened her arms for a hug. "Come on, get in here, all of you," She commanded.

Diana, Ross, Stormie, and I were smushed together with smiles plastered on our faces. An army of arms squeezed tighter and a subtle warmth held me in. Much as I'd like to deny it I nuzzled in closer, melted into the other bodies and took it all in. I felt Ross's finger tips gently hold mine beneath the sea of body parts. Here we were together, we were all together. My-- our future seemed a little less bleak.

Author's Note: Yay! Sierra is staying! Happy dance~

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