Chapter Eleven

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Classes got over about two hours ago and Liz still isn't back. Her classes did start later than mine but you'd think she'd be back by now, it's already six.

My stomach starts to growl so I dig around the kitchen for a snack. A bag of Lays are hidden in the back, Liz probably not wanting me to eat them all.

I take the bag with me into my room and toss it onto the bed. I slip my pants off and unhook my bra letting it slide out from under my shirt. I climb onto the bed tugging at my underwear.

My lap top sits in front of me on my pillows and I intently watch the screen, New Girl is playing. I've eaten almost half the bag of chips but then again half of the bag is just air.

Finding it impossible to stay awake I slowly start dozing off, Liz can wake me up when she gets home. I'm still amazed that Harry asked me to hang out tonight even if it will be with other people.

My eyes slowly start to shut and I lay my head down on the mattress with my hands resting down by my side.

I'm not sure what time it is when I hear the door open but I stay on my bed not caring to move and not wanting to be awake.

My door clicks open and I wait for Liz to yell at me or come jump on me and say it's time to go.

"Why the fuck are you naked?" Harry's voice cuts through the air. I yelp and tumble off the bed and attempt to cover myself up.

Harry laughs from the door and I just lay on the ground with a frown on my face. He can't see me from over here so I stay put and hidden behind the bed.

"No pants and no bra? What was going on in here and why wasn't I invited?" The smirk evident in his voice as he picked up my bra and dangles it on his finger.

The springs on my bed squeak as Harry belly flops onto it. My pants and bra in each of his hands. I clasp my hands over my eyes in embarrassment the bed no longer separating us, his eyes roaming my almost naked body.

"Oh my god Harry get out. I feel naked!" I yell.

"Oh baby, that's exactly why I'm going to stay." He speaks.

My eyes are still covered by my palms, not feeling brave enough to look him in the eyes. The black cheeky panties I'm wearing are out of place from all my moving and I so badly want to reach down and shield myself.

Neither of us speak, the air thick and my breathing already picking up pace. I shouldn't be around him in these kinds of clothes, the things that could happen are indescribable and scare me. He could have me so easily, he would touch me and I'd allow just about anything.

Suddenly Harry's palm presses firmly against my underwear, right against my most sensitive spot and I suck in a breath squeezing my legs together, my hands go from my holding my face and reach for his. I tug at arms in attempts to remove him from touching me but not actually wanting him to stop.

I open my eyes and ours meet, a cocky smile on his lips.

"So wet." He says, "I can feel you through your panties. Wonder who made you this way?" He asks, already knowing the answer.

My head tilts back and my back arches off the ground beneath me, aroused by his dirty words. He hasn't done much of anything but I am insanely turned on.

His hand withdrawals from between my thighs and he tosses my pants and bra onto my body.

"You better get dressed or we'll be late." He says cooly, unaffected from his previous assault.

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