Chapter Seven

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"Addyyyyy wake upppppp." Liz sings in my ear. I roll over and smash my pillow over my face, not wanting to wake up. "Dude I thought you were leaving at noon? It's eleven right now."

"Okay okay I'm getting up." I roll off the bed onto my feet, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"Are you excited?" Liz asks.

"For what?" I counter.

"To see your family duh! I know how much you love your brother." I roll my eyes at her sarcastic comment and head straight to the bathroom.

I am not excited to see my brother.

I can't stand him.

I shut the water off and dry myself off with towel and wrap it around my body. I open the door and hear faint conversations coming from the living room.

I recognize Tarrah's loud voice but no one else. The walk to my room is short but I'm too nervous to take it. I have no idea who is out there and I don't want to risk them seeing me.

I decide to just stay inside the bathroom and blow dry my hair now. I pull out a brush from under the sink and comb through my sopping wet hair. The hot air from the blow dryer begins to rid of the dampness.

Once my hair is completely dry and somewhat frizzy, I know I have no choice but to head to my room. Maybe whoever it was is gone now. I open the door and step outside into the hallway.

My towel reaches mid thigh and I feel extremely exposed when everyone's eyes turn to me.

Liz, Tarrah, Sage, Harry and Niall are all sat on the couches, watching me.

No one seems shocked that I'm in a towel. But Harry has a smug look on his face as his eyes rake up and down my half naked body.

I push open my bedroom door and slam it shut, turning the lock. I quickly get dressed and begin to put on some make up.

I throw everything I'll need for this week into one of my duffle bags and zip it up. I toss both of the bags on the floor next to the door and tidy up a bit. My camera bag is sat on top of my little book case and I grab it and make sure everything I need is inside. I double check over everything and swing the bags over my shoulder.

Everyone is still sat on the couches as I walk out of my room. I drop my bags gently onto the floor and walk over to them.

"I'm going to head out now. I'll see you guys on Friday probably." I smile, mostly talking to Liz because I'm sure no one else cares. Liz stands up and hugs me, saying she'll miss me even if I'll only be gone a week.

I walk back over to my bags and hike them up onto my arms. And I hear Tarrah speak up.

"Guys be gentlemen and help her carry all her stuff." She huffs.

"She can take it." Harry says. I look over at him and he doesn't bother looking back at me. His hand resting on Sage's thigh.

Great, I'm glad she's back hanging around. Niall stands up and lifts my duffle bags over both shoulders smiling at me.

"Thank you." I smile and he nods.

I open the door, carrying my camera bag in my other hand. We walk out and make my way to my car. I click the unlock button and set my bag in the passenger seat while Niall sets the rest in the back.

"I'll see ya Friday." He says, pulling me into a hug.

I watch Niall go back inside and I get into my car. I start it up and back out of the parking spot, driving away.

The drive to Grants Pass is about a two hour drive. I feel like I made it here sooner. My music kept me distracted the entire time.

It was nice to finally have alone time in the car. I love driving alone with my radio up loud. I feel at peace even though the noise inside the car is anything but peaceful.

I turn down my road, I'm close to my house and I'm not sure how I feel about it. The rusty colored bricks come into view and I'm home.

I leave my bags in the car and walk up to the door, I'll get them out later. The door is unlocked and I push it open. I slip my shoes off and step into the kitchen. My mother is over the stove, making lunch I assume. She looks at me and smiles.

"Glad you're home." She hugs me.

"I've only been gone for like three weeks. When school actually starts I'll be gone longer." I laugh.

She let's go of the hug shaking her head and I walk into the tv room and find my two brother on the couches playing video games. One of my brothers, Luke, is fourteen. He's a sweet kid, he always compliments you and clings to your side, offering you his undivided attention. I love him.

Now my other brother, Bradly is twenty three. He picks on me no matter what I do, no matter what I wear, and he's always yelling. He yells the most disrespectful things and doesn't care if he hurts your feelings.

The last time we ever said we loved each other was when our grandma died, four years ago. Since then we have never gotten along.

He used to make me cry all the time. Nothing is more miserable than having someone who is supposed to love you no matter what absolutely despise your very being.

I walk over to the couch and sit down next to Luke. He smiles at me and leans his head on my shoulder.

"Hi Adds. I missed you."

"Missed you too bud."

I stand up and head to my room, not really wanting to hang out in here anymore. I close my door and hop onto my bed. I miss this bed.

I never left my room most of the time, always either napping or reading or watching Netflix here. I turn my fan on, it always soothed me to hear it spinning, I grab one of the blankets at the edge of the bed and pull it over me.

This is where I feel most safe, where I feel most at home, and I'm not sure that will ever change. My eyelids become droopy and I finally decide to let sleep take over.

"Wake up!!" My mom squeals pulling the blanket off me. "You come home for a week and come right back to your cave? Spend time with us!"

I sit up and wipe under my eyes knowing my make up slightly smeared. I glance at my phone. I've only been asleep for like fifteen minutes. I want to sleep longer.

I follow her to the kitchen and everyone except for Bradly is sat down eating. He must have went to his girlfriends house. I sit in my usual seat and eat the macaroni my mom made.

We make conversation about what everyone has been up to, me barely saying much. We finish up and I help do the dishes and go back to my room. My phone starts buzzing when I lay down.

"Hey Landon!" I say happily. He's one of my friends who is getting married, the one who's first look video I am filming tomorrow.

"Hey Addy! I was just calling to see if you had made it home yet." A smile is evident in his voice.

"Yea I did a couple hours ago actually. Nice to be back, excited to see you and Hannah tomorrow."

"We're glad your back home for bit! What time were you thinking?"

"Probably 5:30, does that work for you guys? You still want to do it around the trees yea?"

"Yep! Sounds good to me. We can pick you up at 5:15 then."

I agree and we both hang up. It's going to be a fun day tomorrow. Landon and Hannah have been my friends since grade school, they didn't start dating until senior year in high school.

Addy is 19. She took a year off after high school before going to college. Harry is 20 it's his third year there. He's a sophomore and she's a freshman. Pretty sure that's how it goes.

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