1- Our brains are sick, but that's okay.

505 18 13

Josh let out a small groan as he is kicked in the side.




Joshua was used to it, it was normal for him. Grayson and his 'buddies' yelled, kicked, shoved him around everyday at school. Joshua -or as most just referred to him as Josh,- was very smart. He was a straight A junior. Grayson and his group were Seniors. They were all jocks, but Joshua always knew he could never be even friends with any of them. He knew better, he would get hurt even more.


"Joshua?" Mrs. Blanke called out,

Josh raised his hand showing he was here. Not talkative per usual.

"What wrong, mute boy?" Calvin,  the baseball teams captin taunted.

"Guys shut up And leave him alone." A voice that was heavenly to Joshua, spoke out. Tyler Joseph, captin of the basketball team, best player ever known to the highschool.

They all shot tyler dirty glares, raised eyebrows, and yet Tyler just looked at Joshua. Josh happened to look up and meet those perfect hazel eyes. They gave a look of sympathy. Josh quickly looked down, pulling his hood up and over his head, leaving only some of his black hair sticking out. He only did that to hide the dark shade of red his face was gathering. Just then, the bell rings signaling it was lunch. Most of the boys tussled out the door, but Josh just sat there. He felt a tap on his shoulder,

"Hey..." Tyler said quietly,

Josh just looked up, trying to even his breathing to stop himself from having a panic attack.

"Come on, lets go eat. Wanna sit with me?" Tyler asked,

Joshua nodded slowly before standing up.

"Don't talk much... Do you?",

Josh shakes his head.

"Well I don't know your name, can you at least tell me that?", Tyler said giving s hopeful look.

"J-joshu-ua. O-or, J-josh." Josh stutters out like a little girl next to her crush.

"Nice to meet you, Josh."

Lights Off -//- JoshlerWhere stories live. Discover now