Chapter · Four

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Yella's POV

As I was driving home from the grocery store after all that shit happened I saw a help sign at a hotel. I decided to stop there and see what it was about. Hopefully I don't have to be some maid or some shit. Anyway I parked and hopped out my piece of junk car and headed inside. Once I got in I was met with a mean mugging old ass white lady standing behind a counter. I'm positive her ass was from the stone age.

I smiled and walked up to the counter "Hello um I have an inquiry about the help sign." I said while pointing to it

She sighed "Yes I can see it no need to point. Anyways what's the inquiry?"

I made a really bitch face "I wanna know what the job is cause I might take it."

Her face started to turn red as she was getting angry "Look sir you don't come in here talking about what you're going to take. By the way you're dressed I can tell you're not professional so you're already unfit for the job before you even know what it is." She yelled

I'm just standing there in shock like damn. She didn't have to say all that. I get it I dress better than you and you hating me for it. But she needs to chill all I did was ask about a sign. A tall middle aged looking white guy came smiling as he speed walked over to us.

"What seems to be the problem?" He asked with a wide grin that was starting to creep me out

"Well." Me and the old lady said in unison

"You know you should let your elders go first. Have some respect boy." Her nose was so red she was starting to look like Rudolph

"But I'm the costumer so therefore I go first. It's called costumer service." I smiled at her

"Hmpt." She let out as she looked at the white guy to see if he would say anything

"Well sir you sure are right. Before I came over here I couldn't help but over hear you asking about the help sign. Is that correct?" He asked with his head tilted still grinning hard

"Uh yea." I said feeling creeper out

"Well great follow me."

As we were walking to his office I turned around and stuck my tongue out at the old ass lady. She turned her nose up and flipped me off. My eyes grew wide as I reached his office.

"Old bitch." I mumble to myself

"Have a sit. Get comfortable." He says while closing the door

I sit down in one the big grey chairs that looks comfy as hell. As soon as I sat down my ass was met with so much pleasure I almost nutted. I smiled and sat all the way bad. You know these chairs costed some money. The guy smiled and slowly nodded as he sat down.

"Comfy ass fuck huh?" He asked

"Uhh yea." I nervously chuckle at his question and shocked by his language

I thought you had to be professional. I think to myself mocking that old ass lady.

"Oh yea and sorry about Mable in there. She's that old lady that was giving you a hard time." He apologized

"Oh it's ok. It's not your fault that she was mean to me."

"Sometimes I wish I could just fire the old bitch but my father forbids it. I think they're having an affair so something."

"Oh." I scratch the back of my head unsure of what to say

"Well anyway you inquired about the sign so here's the deal. The job is a valet job. You will work from six to six. You will wear a uniform at all times. Your wage will be nine dollars an hour." He said in a serious tone

"And for the last thing. That mustache has to go I'm so sorry." He pulled on the ends of his mustache as he said that

Not my stache. I thought to myself. Is this shit even worth it? I started to think about all the bills I had to pay and food. Fuck I really need the money so I guess it'll do for now.

"Alright I'll take it." I nodded

"Oh I almost forgot. The very last and most important thing is to not act like Mable the receptionist. HAHAHA." He said as he started to laugh hella loudly

I faked a chuckled a bit then he stood up and extended his hand for me to shake it. I stood and shook his hand and he smiled.

"Well you've got the job. Welcome to Millard's five star hotel." He smiled shaking my violently almost tearing my arm off

"Thank you sir." I smiled wishing he'd let go of my hand

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