Chapter · Three

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Yella's POV

I woke up to the sound of blasting music coming from outside. I sighed and swung my legs over the edge of my bed. I rubbed my hands over face then stretched as I stood up. First things first is to find a job before I have to go back to eating sugar sandwiches and living with my mom. I went into the bathroom and cut on the light Lookomg at myself in the mirror.

"Get yourself together Yella boy." I said to myself

I turned the faucet on and splashed cold water on my face to fully wake myself up. I grabbed the hand towel that was hanging on the rack beside the sink. I proceeded to brush my teeth and showered then got dressed. I walked into the kitchen and went over to the fridge swinging the door open.

I sucked my teeth and sighed "Ain't shit in here."

I slammed the door close and went over to the cabinets.

I opened them and shook my head "Man I don't feel like grocery shopping today but I guess I have no choice."

I closed the cabinet grabbed my jacket out of the closet by the door. I grabbed my keys and hat off of the counter. I headed out the locking it before I went off to my car. Even though it might be a piece of shit it gets me where I need to be so I'm thankful for it. I started the car and headed off to the grocery store.

At the grocery store

I decided to get one of those hand baskets since a grown ass man with a buggy looks weird as hell. I did a little shopping and was about to check out when I saw a little boy crying in the middle of the store. He looked as if he was about four or five. I stood there and looked around a bit to see if anyone would come and get him. But they didn't.

I contemplated about it in my mind if I should help him. I didn't want it to look like I was abducting him.

"MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY. WHERE ARE YOU!" He screamed as more tears came out

"Fuck." I lowly said as I walked towards him

I hope I don't get my ass kicked for trying to help this kid. When I got over to him I knelt down and set my basket beside me. He looked at me with the cutest eyes. He reminded me of how much I love kids. I really hope to have some one day just not any time soon though. He wiped his eyes and sniffed before asking me a question.

"Do you know where my mommy is sir?" He asked trying to hold back his tears

"No I don't. Bu-." He cut me off as he let out a high pitchef scream

I looked around to see if people were looking at us. They were. Fuck I hope no one thinks I'm trying to kidnap him and call the cops. I definitely don't need that right now. I can barley afford this shit in the basket. I put my hands on his shoulders and looked him in his eyes.

"Hey it's gonna be ok alright. I'm gonna help you find your mommy. Ok?" I said trying to calm him down as best I could

He nodded "Now where did you last see your mommy?" I smiled hoping it would calm him down

He pointed over to the children's section in the clothes department. I stood up and grabbed my hand basket. He wiped his eyes again before holding his hand out for me to grab it. I hesitated but went ahead and grabbed his hand. We walked into the children's department in the clothing section looking around for his mother.

"Do you see her?" I asked looking around

"Uh uh." He said as he sniffed

"What does she look like? What was she wearing?"

"Mmm she has a ball on top of her head." He answered sounding unsure

I gave a look like what the fuck "A ball on top of her head?" I questioned confused

"Yea it's a thing girls do with their hair and it looks like a ball. I forget what it's called."

I thought for a minute then chuckled "You mean a bun."

"Oh yea." He started to laugh

I'm glad I got him to calm down "So what was she wearing?"

"Umm her blue work clothes."

"What kind of shoes?"

"Black ones."

"Ok. Is she short or tall?"

"You ask a lot of questions." He chuckled

I laughed "Hey I gotta know so I can help you find your mommy."

"I guess so." He continued to chuckle loudly

As we neared the end of the children's section in the clothing department I heard a female voice yell from behind us.


My heart began to beat fast as I hesitatingly turned around. I was met with a thick ass fine woman. She had her hair up in a bun with light blue scrubs on hugging her body. Her ass was sticking out and so was my pants. I assumed she was a nurse since her yellow pin had RN on it.

My eyes traveled from her ass to her breast until my eyes met her's. Damn they were beautiful.  She looked hella upset and worried at the same time though. Unknowingly I mouthed damn and her face scrunched up.

She shook her head "Nasir come on let's go before this creep tries something funny and I'll have to hurt his ass."

The little boy ran to his mother and hugged her "Mommy I found you. I missed you so much. I thought I had lost you."

She hugged him back looked down at him "What have I told you about talking to strangers huh? You never talk to people you don't know because they could take you away from me and I might not see you again. Do you want that to happen?"

"No." He said in a sad tone "But mommy the man wa-."

"I don't wanna hear it. I don't want this to happen again so stay near me. You hear?" She barked cutting him off

"Yes." He answered

"Yes what?"

"Yes ma'am." He put his head down

"Let's go." She said as they started to walk off

I felt the urge to ask for her name. I just had to see her again she looked too good.

"Hey." I yelled

She turned around with her hand on her hip

"Can I ask what your name is?"

"No." She smirked then walked off

I knew that shit wouldn't work. I should've just kept my mouth shut.

Special thanks Shayylondon for the new cover and for letting me use her as a character in this book lmao.

Anyway vote and comment and thanks for reading.

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