Chapter 5

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Trixie's pov:
We arrived at the King's cavern and got off our mechas when he saw us he walked over. "Hey guys" he said and I said "hey King. Have you seen Eli, he is hurt badly and we need to find him before Blakk or anyone else does". "Oh really, he was just here. I bandaged him up and once he was a little better I sent him on his way" he said and I smiled and said "which way" and he pointed east and we all got back on our mechas and went that way. "I hope he is alright" I said and Kord said "me too" and with that we went faster. We're coming Eli.

Red Hook's pov:
I carefully helped the kid off the ground and said "come inside, so we can change your bandages". He nodded his head slowly and we walked inside with his arm around my neck for support. I've never seen Eli beat up this bad.
Maybe he was hit with a breakage slug. That would be awful painful to be hit with one of those slugs and it doesn't help that Blakk was after him. I laid him on the couch and grabbed the first aid kit I had. "You in a lot of trouble, aren't you" I said and he smiled weakly and said "let's just say it's an issue I have to work on" and I started changing his bandages. When I was done I put the first aid kit away and when I ame back the kid was asleep. I shook my head and went to work on a couple blasters.

*With the gang*
Kord's pov:
In our way to find Eli we ran into Blakk and his goons. "If I can't get the Shane might as well get you" he yelled and his men started slinging. "Where is Eli" I yelled and Blakk just laughed and kept shooting us. I really hope Eli is okay

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