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On a star destroyer a stormtrooper was walking down a corridor while carrying a boy in his arms, the trooper looked at the boy and sighed to himself while having a flashback ' stormtroopers where aiming at the door to the Bridgers house where agent kallus nocked on the door, Tk-5502 heard a yell for the house asking who was there, agent kallus then turned to Tk-5502 and nodded with that he nocked down the door an in rushed the stormtroopers and agent kallus spoke out the man "Me agent kallus answered smirking "well would you look at this? You've got a son!"
"What do you want kallus" Mira asked while walking back and holding Ezra in her arms
"Simple I originally wanted you two to arrest but now...... I want your child" and with that agent kallus made a motion with his hand and the two stormtroopers next to him sent out a stunning bolt which stunned ephraim and Mira Bridger, another stormtrooper walked up to the unconscious Mira and grabbed Ezra and lifted him up and held him like a parent would, the stormtrooper turned to agent kallus and asked him "sir should we arrest them?" He motioned to the unconscious forms of Mira and Ephraim, agent kallus thought for a while but responded " No...... we have no need now Tk-5502, without there child they have nothing to fight for and if they have nothing to fight for they have no need to send these..... Rebellious messages" he turned to leave through the Bridgers front door and turned to Tk-5502 "this child will serve the empire well, bring him to the shuttle we will bring him tomorrow to the imperial academy" and with a final smirk and left with the other stormtroopers behind him, Tk-5502 turned to the unconscious forms of the Bridgers again and whispered "I'm sorry" and with that Tk-5502 also left with a sleeping Ezra in his arms.'
Tk-5502 shakes his head and continued to walk down to the cells where he was ordered to drop of the boy, when he got there he opened up the cell and carefully set down the sleeping boy, Tk-5502 turned back towards him and looked at him when agent kallus' voice spoke through his comm
"Tk-5502 report" the voice of kallus spoke Tk-5502 pressed the button on the side of his helmet and spoke back to kallus with his report "sir the boy is in cell block c-53 where he is sleeping" Tk-5502 finished his report where kallus spoke back "good trooper I want you to stay in the cell and report back to me when he has awoken kallus out"
"Yes sir!" Tk-5502 responded "Tk-5502 out" the trooper looked back at the sleeping boy and turned around and shut the cell door and he sat down, after an hour the boy started to wake Tk-5502 looked up when he heard the groans of the boy and sat up being careful to put his weapon down and walking carefully over to the boy.
"Wh-where am I?" The tired voice of the boy said while looking around, his eyes then saw the trooper I front of him kneeling down, the boy backed up from him and asked him a question "who are you?" The trooper sighed and spoke through his Comms "sir the boy is awake" the reply of agent kallus came through "good I will be down there shortly" the Comms went static where Tk-5502 turned back to the boy and lifted hi helmet of his head "it's alright I'm Tk-5502 what's your name?" The boy looked hesitant for a second until he voiced back his reply "I'm Ezra Bridger, why am I here where my mom and dad?" Tk-5502 sighed but didn't respond he heard footsteps out from e cell and quickly out I
His helmet back on, the cell door opened to reveal agent kallus and two more stormtroopers "fk-4401 and st-1102 stay here" the two stormtrooper nodded and stopped walking, agent kallus then nodded to Tk-5502 where he nodded back and headed back to the other two stormtroopers finally kallus looked towards the boy and kneeled down so his eyes met his eyes and spoke to him "what's your name boy?" Ezra backed up a bit more where he told him his name " I'm Ezra Bridger sir" he spoke quietly with his head down agent kallus nodded and lifted his chin up with his hand "well Ezra I am agent kallus from the imperial security Bureau, you might be wondering why you are here?" Kallus said to Ezra where Ezra nodded back and said "uh yes sir I am just.... Ugh word reign where I am and where my parents are?"Ezra looked to kallus, on the outside kallus looked with sympathy at Ezra while on the inside he was smirking "I'm am sorry to tell you this Ezra but your parents do not care for you anymore so they dumped you on the street where my stormtroopers found you and where you are you are on an imperial star destroyer" Ezra looked at kallus with tears in his eyes and there he began to cry, kallus sighed and patted Ezra's back but said to him "Ezra, where your parents have failed you the empire will gladly take you in and train you so you can one day have your revenge on your parents" Ezra stopped crying and he had anger in his eyes "yes sir I accept" kallus smirked "good then it is done in the morning you will be taken into the imperial academy where you will train and in time become an imperial stormtrooper" kallus stood up and motioned for Tk-5502 to come over "Tk-5502 you will take care of this child until it is time for him to go good work" and with that agent kallus and the two stormtroopers who accompanied him walked out, Tk-5502 turned to Ezra and told him To get up "follow me Ezra" the two of them then walked out and walked until they came upon a room with two beds in it "this is where you will sleep until tomorrow and I will also be in here, I will get some food for you so until I return get some sleep kid I'll see you later" with that he walked out the door where Ezra stares at it until he walked to a bed and plunked down and slept until Tk-5502 returned and gave him food.
In the morning Ezra and Tk-5502 walked out of a transport and headed into the imperial academy of lothal, Tk-5502 have one last nod to Ezra and walked back to the transport where Ezra walked to the White building where his training began.

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