New Colleage

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I begrudgingly open the door to the coffee shop. I prepare to open the shop. The boss is hardly ever around. It seems he's only around when I need punishing. I do most of the shopkeeping. I'm the only barista. I close and open promptly everyday. As previously stated, I work best by myself in every situation.

I'm not looking forward to this alleged co worker.

It's 11:15 and there have been a few customers, but no sign of my boss or his new employee. As if on cue, the door opens and in steps... Guess who... My boss and his new employee.

"Kenma. This is Kuroo. He's my nephew. He will be working with you. Show him the ropes because I'm not going to be here today." 

"Yes sir," I mumbled as he walked out of the door leaving the boy and I alone.

"Very enthusiastic aren't we?" The boy said smiling.

"I'm just letting you know, I work alone. If you want to be of service you can go scrub a table, but I will be doing most of the work."

He towers over me and starts to speak.

"I'll do whatever I damn well please."

"Ha. Yeah right. Go clean something."

Kuroo spent the rest of the day scrubbing tables.

Coffee // Kuroken Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt