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Eeeyyyyyy mah lil penguin ninjas! Tis I, Melly!!! And NO, IM NOT DEAD!! >:D I merely took a tiny break bc I has been quite le busy and shite so yee. Anywho I've never really done an X Reader before so plz be nice and understanding like the lovely peeps u r <3 Anywho, ON WITH LE STORY!!
December 1927

Great, another gloomy day. I think to myself as I gaze out the window and into the sky. Normally, I rather enjoy gloomy days, the sun tends to piss me off whenever it gets in my eyes, but this will be the fourth gloomy day in a row. One does start too miss sunshine after awhile. I silently sigh to myself as I grab my house keys and head out the front door, locking it once I close it. I only live about four blocks from my clinic, so there's really no need for a car, nor do I really have the money for one. A pet doctor is kind of a useless profession in my area since not a lot of people even have pets, but taking care of animals is the one thing I'm good at. You could say I have a nack for knowing what's wrong with the animal. I make my way down the stairs of my apartment building and start in the direction of the clinic. The cold December air gently nipped at my nose and cheeks as I lazily made my way through downtown. The streets were nearly empty, as they always were at 6:30 in the morning. I always arrived early to prepare my workspace, even though no one actually comes in until about 8:00am. Enjoying the crisp air, I take a seat on a bench, only a block away from the clinic. I close my eyes and breathe in slowly, releasing the breath equally as slow. I didn't get too much sleep last night, I kept having this strange dream about these strange people, however I can't recall a single detail. I simply remember the silhouettes of people, flashing of bright lights from every direction, and there's someone next to me, holding my hand tightly within their grip. At the thought of sleep, a small yawn escaped too and from my lips. "Rough night, eh?" My eyes shot open as I turned my head in the direction of the voice. My eyes landed upon a man with shaggy, red-brown hair and blue-green eyes. I simply stared at the beautiful stranger, my mind drawing blanks. He waits for me to reply, a shy smile tugging at the corners of his lips. I force myself back to reality as I say, "Um, yeah. I keep having this weird dream." The stranger nods. "I know how that feels." He says, a trace of a British accent apparent in his voice. "A Brit?" I question. "What are you doing here in Illinois?" The British man pauses for a moment. "Oh, nothing really, I just heard there was a brilliant vet in this area." I pause for a moment and think. There aren't any pet clinics for miles except mine. "Do you know the name of the clinic?" I ask. He nods, "Yes, its called '(L/N)'s Animal Health Center'." I slight giggle escapes my lips. The British stranger raises and eyebrow at me as he adjusts the collar of his blue trench coat. "That's my pet clinic. Who told you it was brilliant? Its not even well known around here." I say. The stranger shrugs. I decide not to question it, and slowly rise from the bench. "Shall we?" I ask. The Brit looks at me with a smile. "We shall." He replies and stands up. I hold out my hand to him, "My name's (F/N) (L/N)." He hesitates for a moment, than slowly connects his hand with mine. His hands were cold and slightly rough, I'm not sure what it is, but something about his touch sends shivers up my spine. "Newton Scamander, but please, call me Newt." He says, as we begin walking towards the clinic.

After a few short minutes, we stop at the door of the clinic. Newt and I didn't really talk much on the way there, but it wasn't awkward. It was sort of a comfortable silence, as if I had known him my whole life. I pull out the key to the building and unlock it. My secretary, Maddy, hasn't arrived yet, which isn't a big deal. As I said before, we are never busy, and no one comes in until about 8:00am. We step inside the small, warm building. I switch on the lights as I lead Mr. Scamander to the back room. I take off my coat and hang it up, than turn to Newt, "So, why did you need a vet? I don't remember seeing an animal with you." Newt stays quiet for a moment, gazing at the floor as if it was the most interesting thing he has ever seen. "Do you have a bathroom?" He stutters out. I slowly nod, "Umm, yeah, its out that door and to the left." Newt nods with a quiet 'Thank you' and exits the room. Why on Earth did he take his suitcase with him?

Newt returned a few minutes later, his suitcase in one hand, and a strange creature with a bright orange beak and black feather-like fur in the other. I look at Newt, and than back at the small creature. "Mr. Scamander, what is that?" I ask. Newt paused, than speaks, "It's a rare species of platypi." I breathe out a small 'Oh...' as I put on a pair of gloves. I turn back to Newt, "You want to put him on the table?" Newt nods and approaches the examination table, gently placing the strange animal on top. "What seems to be the problem?" I ask. "I think there's something wrong with his leg." Newt replied, even though the question was not directed at him. I was actually asking the strange platypus. Ever since I was little I have always been able to talk to animals through some sort of telepathy. I never told anyone about it though, they all would have said I was crazy than send me to a mental institute. So, I kept it to myself. Not that I really had any friends to share this secret with. I found friendship among animals, rather than people. Animals were the only beings that seemed to understand me.

The strange platypus slowly turned its small head in my direction, sniffing the air as it did so.'What's wrong?' I asked the poor creature. 'I think I broke my leg.' It responded. I slowly stroked my fingers against the creatures leg, feeling for any abnormalities. It slightly winced in pain when I grazed along where the tibia and fibula lied. 'Owe...' It thought. 'I'm sorry.' Out of the corner of my eye I saw Newt standing as still as a statue, holding his breath. "It's broken. I'm going to have to bind it, but you're little platypus thing will be fine." I said with a smile. Newt mirrored my expression and appeared to relax. I turned around to my counter to get the supplies for binding the animals leg. When I turned back, Newt stood right in front of me, and enveloped me in a tight embrace. I froze for a second before I wrapped my arms around his waist, seeing as how he was much taller than me. "Thank you, so much." He whispers. I smirked as I said, "Its not a problem." Newt released me from his warm grip and I made my way back to the strange feathery creature, aligning the bones as best as I could before slowly and gently binding its leg.

Once I finished tending to Newts platypus, I gently handed the small creature back to its owner. "There we go, all better. He shouldn't be doing too much moving around on his own for the next few months, so keep a close eye on him." I say, scratching the creatures neck. Newt stared at me, dumbfounded, "You're brilliant." He stood. I lightly chuckled. "It's what I do." I replied. "Well, you do an excellent job." Newt fell quiet, the lightest shade of pink dusted his cheeks. "Say, I'm actually a traveling zoologist, and I come into contact with many injured animals, and I could use someone with your expertise. Would you possibly consider traveling with me? I could really use your help." My eyes instantly widened at his request. I felt that my lips had slightly parted. What an opportunity this is! I could travel the world and help all animals in need. It was as if my childhood dream was coming true. However, I couldn't just drop everything and go on some wild adventure around the globe. Well, why not? a voice inside me asked. I just need some time to think. I looked up at Newt and smiled. "If it's alright with you, I would like some time to think about it." I say. Newt smiles and nods, understanding my point of view, "I'll be in town for the next few days, will that be enough time?" His blue-green eyes seemed to glow with hope that I might say yes to him. I really wanted to, but there were things I would need to do first. I nod, "Yes, a few days should be plenty." I say. At that moment, I heard the door to the building open and close. "(Y/N)?" Maddy's voice rang from the other room. Newt suddenly stood up a little taller. "What time do you get off?" He asked. "Around 6:30, why?" I question. "I should very much like to walk you home after what you've done to help me." He replied. I felt a light blush creep onto my cheeks. Newts eyes grew wide as he saw my slight shock. "That is, if you want me to!" he stuttered, practically using brute force to get the scattered vowels and syllables out of his mouth. I smiled with a nod. "I would very much like that Mr. Scamander." Newt smiled, the pink hue on his cheeks matching mine. "Well, I'll see you at 6:30." He said. I nod, "See you at 6:30." And with that, Mr. Scamander exited the building. Maddy slowly walked into the back room. "Who was that?" She questioned, a strand of her dark brown hair falling in front of her face. "That was Mr. Newton Scamander." I said, a soft smile tugging at the corners of my lips. "He was kind of cute." Mady said with a whistle. I giggle, "Yes, he is very cute."

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