"She's so bad with that!" Trey agreed. "You should of seen her, she told me she wasn't scared of anything and then I turned off the light and she held onto me really tight until I turned the tv on." Cody said, they both laughed at me. I pouted.

"She's still a baby." Angie cooed as she hugged me. "There it is." Cody pointed to the rock in the distance. "Okay, that is big." Trey said, I laughed at him. "You scared?" I teased.

We stopped 20ft away from the rock, I went to the edge of the boat and jumped off. I swam to the rick and climbed onto the bottom of it. "Who's coming to jump off?" I asked. All the guys came and jumped off the boat accept Tommy.

I started to climb up the rock. I stopped at the top and waited for the others. "Mom!?" I shouted to her. "Yeah?!" "Can you take pictures of us jumping from the rock?" "Angie beat you to it." I turned back around and grabbed Cody's hand.

"Together?" He asked. "Together." I comfirmed. "1.. 2.. 3.. GO!" I shouted and we ran and jumped off. We hit the water together with a massive splash, I resurfaced first and swam back to the rock. "Again!" I shouted.

My dad made a massive splash as he hit the water, followed by Brad. I got to the top and Trey was stood there. "Wanna go together?" He asked me. "Scared?" I teased. "On three, okay?" I told him, Trey nodded.

"1.. 2.. 3!" said and we ran and jumped together, Trey hit the water before me. I resurfaced and laughed. "That is so much fun!" I smiled.

"I want a chicken sandwich." I said as I walked to the bag of food that Angie and mom had prepaired for everyone. "Ooo and some cheetos!" I picked the packed up. "Not all of them, Lauren." "Fine." I said as I took a bite out of my sandwich.

"Give me some cheetos!" Cody asked as he walked up behind me. He wrapped his arms around my stomach and rested his chin on my shoulder. "Here." I fed him over my shoulder. "And some of your sandwich?" He said cutley, I giggled and held it up for him to take a bite.

"Thanks." He said as he kissed along my shoulder and my neck and then walked off. I turned around and smiled at him as he walked away. "Look at you, watching him walk away. If I didn't know you better I would say you love the boy." Brad cheesed.

I turned to look at him. "No." I said and walked to the front of the boat. "Should we just stop here?" Brad asked. "Yeah." My dad told him. "Lilly, do you want to jump into the ocean with me?" I asked her, she grinned and nodded.

We put her life jacket on and then we climbed past the saftey fencing. "Alli, come with us!" I called for her. "Coming!" She ran over and climbed past the fencing with us, we both held one of Lilly's hands each.

"Wait girls, I want a picture before you jump off." My mom said. "And I have to video this." Cody said as he got his phone out. "Why?" I asked. "Just do." He said while smirking at Trey, I shrugged it off.

"Are you ready Lill? When I say go, yeah?" Alli told her. "Yeah." "3.. 2.. 1.. Go!" We jumped together. The water was nice and warm, Lilly giggled. "Was that fun?" Dad asked her from the boat, she nodded at him and swam around.

"Hey, Cody. What's that?" Trey asked as he pointed at the ocean. I looked around and saw nothing. "I think.. Oh gosh, It's a shark!" Cody shouted, I screamed as loud as I could and swam to the boat as fast as I could. I climbed up the steps and ran over to where they were stood.

They were both laughing. "Hey." Cody smiled innocently at me. "I hate you! You scared me!" "I thought you were't afraid of anything?" "I told you I was scared of sharks!" I put my hands on my hips as Cody and Trey started laughing again.

After a while Alli and Lilly got out of the water and we all relaxed on the boat. "Lauren, jump off with me?" Cody asked. "No." "Come on." "Jump off with your shark." "I would but he's busy at the moment." Cody joked. "What a shame." I said sarcastically.

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