Chapter 3

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"Well, what's going on here then?" I heard my dad's voice, I groaned and moved slightly. There was two shadows stood blocking the sun, I flickered my eyes open. "What?" I asked, Brad nodded towards Cody.

He still had his hand wrapped around me, oh no! "Oh my gosh! Get off me!" I shouted and got up, Cody opened his eyes. "What?" "Why were you two sleeping together out here?" Tommy asked from the table.

"Alli said we couldn't come back in until we sorted it out so we decided to sleep out here." "They wouldn't stop fighting and they were driving me crazy so I kicked them out and locked the door." Alli shrugged. "That doesn't explain why you were on the same sunbed, all cute and cuddled up." My dad teased.

"I was there first!" I told them. "You asked me to sleep with you!" "Woah, woah, woah. Hold up a second. You did what, Lauren?!" My dad asked. "He's making it up! I hate him, why would I want him to be that close to me? And why would I have jumped up when I woke up." "To cover it up." Cody pointed out.

"We both know what happened, Simpson." "Yeah and we both know I'm right." "And anyway who freaked when they found out I date? You freaked when I wouldn't tell them who's shirt I was wearing? Who fre-" "Stop!" Lilly shouted at us.

"I'm so done." I walked into the our villa, Cody followed me. "What was that about?" "Leave me alone." "Why did you say that?" "Go away." "Why did you lie?!" I shut my bedroom door in his face and then went to the bathroom.

I had a shower and then dried my hair, I applied my makeup and then tied my hair into a messy ponytail. I put on a nude bikini, one with a boob-tube and shorts and then walked into the living room. I went outside and grabbed some food.

"Lauren, why is Cody convinced you asked him to sleep with you?" Alli asked me as she sat next to me. "I have no clue, I think he's in denial." "Sure." "Okay, maybe I asked him to but I was scared an-" "I knew it!" Alli jumped up.

"Shut up!" "What does this mean?" "Nothing, I still hate him. I was just scared and anyway he went all weird when I told him I date and he got all funny about me not telling him who's shirt I was wearing so go and annoy your brother." I dismissed and got up.

"Hey, Lauren." Lilly sat next to me on the edge of the platform. "Hey." "We are going to look around the island in a bit, are you coming?" "Sure, I'll just go change." I jumped up and went to get changed. I got out a light blue dress, it was simple and short. I put the dress on over my bikini and then grabbed some shoes and walked to the others. "You ready, Lon?" "Yeah."

"Trey! Put me down!" I screamed as Trey pretended to throw me off the cliff. "Throw her, we won't have to put up with her then." Cody told him, Trey put me down. "You wouldn't have anyone to cuddle then." He teased, I laughed at him.

"What are you laughing at? You asked me t-" "No, we're not doing this here." Trey said and then walked off with the others who were taking pictures. "Lauren, look over there." Alli told me, I looked. "That guy is cute as hell." I aknoledged.

"And he keeps looking at you." "Really?! Should I go talk to hi-" I was cut off. "Hey." I turned around to see the cute guy standing there. "Hi." I smiled. "I'm George, what's your name?" "I'm Lauren." "That's pretty." "Aw, thank you." I smiled.

"You here on holiday or what?" "Oh yeah, I'm here for a month with family, friends and um.. enimies." I fake smiled at Cody, he fake smiled back and then walked over and shook George's hand. "Hey, I'm the enimy but you can call me Cody." "Oh hey."

"Okay now go away, Simpson." I glared at him. "No way! You're Cody Simpson?" "Shh!" Cody shushed him. "Yes I am, why?" "My sister loves you, she's 5 but she's convinced you're her husband." "Aww!" Alli and I awed her.

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