Chapter 4

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I woke up to the sound of Lilly crying. I quickly got out of bed, trying not to wake Alli. I went outside and saw Cody with Lilly in his arms, she was screaming and crying. "Lilly? What happened?!" I asked as I ran towards her.

Cody passed her to me, Lilly instantly wrapped her arms and legs around me and cried into my neck. I rubbed her back and tried to sooth her. "Cody?" I asked. "She was running, I told her to slow down because she was wet and when she turned to look at me she tripped and fell to the floor." Cody explained

"Oh baby." I held her tighter. "Are you bleeding?" I asked her. "No." She told me and then carried on crying. "What's all this noise?" Trey asked as he walked outside. "Lilly fell over." I said.

"Come here, baby!" Trey took her off me and managed to stop her from crying. "How did you do that?" I asked in shock. "Big brother's the man." Trey smiled smugly, I rolled my eyes at him. I realised I was still wearing my bikini and dress from yesterday.

I took off my dress and then ran and jumped into the ocean, I swam and messed around with Tom for a bit. "Cody, come in with us?" I asked him. "I'm comfy." "Please?!" "No." "I'll come and get you." "No, you won't."

"Guys, breakfast is ready." Angie called to us. I got out of the water and dried my body and then I sat down to eat.

"Hey, mom. Can we go to that thing we went past yesterday?" I asked. "What thing?" "The thing that Brad said looked like the Gold Coast Aqua Splash." "Sure." "Yes!" I cheered.

"I'm coming!" Cody shouted. "Anyone else coming?" I asked. "Why don't you two go together." My mom suggested, I gave her a weird look. "It's just that I like seeing you two getting on so I want you to spend time together." I shrugged and smiled at her. "Okay."

"Cody! This way." I laughed as he walked the wrong way. "I knew that." "No you didn't." I giggled, Cody playfully pushed me. I pushed him back and then ran down the beach. "You can pay." I smiled sweetly at him, he rolled his eyes and then payed.

We swam over to the floating play area and started to climb up the floating mountain. "I'll beat you up here." I told him. "Wanna bet?" "Okay, place your bet." I looked at him. "Simpson." I added as I narrowed my eyes.

"Movies tonight.. If I win, we watch scary ones. If I loose, you decide." Cody suggested, I held my hand out for us to shake on it and so we did. "3.. 2.. 1.. GO!" I shouted.

I was nearly at the top but then Cody pulled my leg and I fell down into the water. I resurfaced and looked up to see Cody at the top with a massive smirk on his face. "You cheater!" I shouted. "There were no rules!" He shouted back.

"That was so cool!" I exclaimed as I dried my body. "Tell me about it." Cody agreed. "Shall we go back now? It's starting to get dark, what's the time?" "Nah, let's go eat." "What's the time?" I repeated my question.

"Time you got a watch." Cody smirked at me and then started walking, I grabbed my clothes and followed him. "Wait, let me change!" "You've got clothes on." "No, I have a bikini on." "That's fine with me." Cody winked at me.

"You're disgusting!" I playfully pushed him, he laughed at me. Cody took my things off me and carried them for me while we went to look for somewhere to eat. "Hey, how about there?" I asked. "Seems nice." Cody agreed and then we walked in.

"I've never eaten so much in my life!" Cody confessed as we walked out of the restraunt. "That was so nice." "Amazing." "Where now?" I asked. "Home." "You're boring. Come on!" I grabbed his hand and ran off.

"Wow!" Cody and I gasped as we stood on a mountain top. There was sparkling lights and the ocean glowed with the moonlight shining on it. "I can't believe how beautiful this place is." I looked at Cody.  "It gets better every single day." He looked at me, I smiled at him.

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