After he said that, without waiting for a reply, the blond haired male walked towards the other direction, not hesitating to look back. Akane stared at his back until he was out from his view.

"What a weird guy...wouldn't kill you to have some fun..." Sighed Akane, and walked away to the place where the green haired girl was training.

-Training Ground A-

"Midori! Over here!" Akane held out his hand and waved. The girl in green hair turned her head around and let out a sweet smile. " Akane! I'm glad you came! And on time!"

Akane walked over to Midori. "Good work today." He said, giving Midori a high-five. Midori laughed and return back the high-five. Then, she turned around her face looking for someone.

"Aoto? Where's Aoto?"

The red haired male looked uncertain. "He...was not feeling well, so he went rest.." Akane said. Midori sighed and shook her head sadly. "Again? This is like the fourth he avoiding us?"

"Who knows... maybe, he's a little uncomfortable with all the rumors, and he doesn't want us to feel humiliated by being close to him."

"Hmm...too's not like we hate him...I mean, the rumors about killing his parents or the blue Christmas incident, both of us know that he didn't do it. felt as if he was forcing himself to talk." Midori said slowly.

Akane patted Midori's back. "Don't worry so much.... Maybe, we should give him so more time to get use to us.."

"Huh? No, Akane...I didn't mean it like that...I mean, I wish he would talk to me too..Aoto, is already close to you. He trusted you." Midori replied. Akane brow furrowed. " Really? I..didn't even realise, I'm so dense..."

"You should go to him...maybe he's not uncomfortable with me, since I'm a girl and all.. try talking to him!" The girl with green hair smiled broadly, pushing her friend's back.

"I'm going, I'm going! Don't push me Midori!"

-Aoto's Room-

Akane knocked on the door softly, but there was no answer from the other side. After 15 minutes, he knocked again, this time he did it a little louder. The wooden door creaked open and a male with blond hair peeked through the door. "Akane? Why? did something happened?"

"! I was..just um.. trying NICE THIS WOOD IS!!" He exclaimed nervously, running his hand on the wooden door.

".....Really? That's weird..don't they use the same wood to make the door for your room?" Aoto asked, lifting one of his brow up.

"AH FINE! I was worried, so I wanted to check up on you..." Akane said, pushing his way into the room. Aoto was stunned and irritated. " I told you I'm fine...did midori ask you to do this? Is that it?"

"No! I wanted too! Anyway, excuse me!" Akane said, sitting down on Aoto's bed. "Nice room... I never really seen your room before huh..." He muttered.

The blond haired male sighed and sat down across from Akane on the hard concrete  floor. "So? Now what?"

Akane took a deep breath and rested his chin on his hand. He was at his wits end, until, he figured out a topic. "Hey, Aoto..." he started.


"What...would you wish for...when you reached the divine gate?"

Suddenly, the blond male looked sad and his eyes filled with despair. He averted his gaze away, refusing to answer the sudden question. Akane sensed the worry and pressed harder on the subject. He wanted to know, no, he need to know! "Aoto...what's your wish?"

" wanted to protect him..."

"That's your wish? After all the hard battles and struggle, you're wishing to help your brother?"

Aoto shrugged. His shoulders twitch nervously. "Yeah...probably.."

"Anything else you might consider? you know like...getting stronger?" The red haired male asked, leaning his body forward in anticipation of Aoto's answer. "Anything else...probably...I'd wish for someone to lean on...or someone that could be there whether I'm being in a total ditch or on cloud nine..." Aoto answered, a little uncertain and scared.

"That isn't a wish... you already have me after all."

"Huh? What do you mean by that?" Aoto asked. Akane shifted his foot awkwardly in his attempt to rephrase his super awkward and weird sentence. "NO! Don't get the wrong idea! I mean..I'm, Midori and myself are there to...give you support and encouragement.. and we're your friends and you can count on us..Ah! E..Even! If Midori isn't can always count on me to give you a hand!" Akane stammered and sweat dripped down from his forehead. Aoto looked confused and stunned. His face was blanked and he didn't know how to respond properly.

"Er... Akane.. I can't understand a word you were saying..."

The red haired male laughed softly and cleared his throat. He was usually cheerful and outspoken but right now, at this very moment, he felt as if there's a ball of cotton lodged in his throat, making it dry and hard to talk. " I meant, you can always count of the both of us...and even if Midori isn't there to help, you can always ask me. And! It's the same if I'm not here, Midori would be glad to lend a helping hand!"

Aoto smiled slightly, and muttered a soft thanks. "You aren't afraid of me? Don't you belive in those rumors?"

"Nope...not even the slightest bit!" He smiled. "And, I bet the others didn't too!" He added quickly. Aoto managed a small smile. "Thanks..." He muttered.

"So...wanna walk back to class with me?" Akane asked, standing up and reaching out his hand towards Aoto who is still sitting on the floor. The blond haired make hesitated for a while before grabbing Akane's hand. "Sure...only if you buy me a popsicle later..." Aoto said to Akane.

The youth with red hair groan but not in a sarcastic, annoying way. "Popsicle? Do I have to do that every time I invite you to walk with me?"

"Maybe...but I'll ask for shave ice next time you invite me."

Akane rolled his eyes and let out a laugh. "Damn, you're hard to buy... I'm going to go bankrupt if you ask me every single time!"

"Then, I'll treat you to an ice cream next time I ask you for help." Aoto said. "Then, you won't go bankrupt so easily..."

Akane laughed and slung his arm on Aoto's shoulders. "Heh... that's a deal! But, no more vanilla...I want blueberry this time!"

Aoto smiled and nodded. "Sure, Sure..."

Akane and Aoto walked side by next to each other, making their way to their next lesson while chatting like childhood buddies. As they were about to reach the class, Akane realised that his relationship with Aoto was finally making progress, but wait, the question still remains, what exactly did Akane and Aoto thought about their relationship? it just friendly relationship or more than that? Well, this two boys are going to find out that falling in love is as easy as falling out of it and they better brace themselves, a bigger storm is heading their way,and it's not going to be a smooth happy journey.

To be continue....

I'm done with Divine Gate's fanfic!!! I'm literally crazy about this pairing! (No idea why xD)But, i hate how they left a cliffhanger!!Anyway, I hope you guys love this pairing as much as I do! And, if you like it, you are free to vote and comment as you like (≧▽≦). Thanks for reading and have a divine week!

-Hotaru( ・ิω・ิ)

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